The Gender Perspective This is a process that assesses the implications for women and men of any status, condition or action. It is a strategy to convert the concerns and experiences of women and men to a social, economic, and labour priority.
The Gender Perspective The gender perspective involves three concepts, corresponding to three differentiated processes: Gender equality as an objective: recognition of inequalities and discriminations and the will to overcome them, implementing the necessary means for this: promoting social and economic changes, etc. The analysis of gender as a tool of knowledge: identifying the needs, the initial situations, the living conditions, and the position of men and women in a differentiated way. Gender mainstreaming: how to systematically proceed by incorporating criteria that ensures equality as a priority in any action, programme, project or policy .
The analysis of gender 1: quantitative data Where are women and men? It is necessary to collect and present data broken down by gender to identify, for instance, current levels of inequality in the labour market, composition of families and management, vulnerability and risk of exclusion and poverty, social and political participation and so on.
The analysis of gender 2 : qualitative analysis How are men and women? Identifying gender differences in the division of work, in the access to and control of resources- participation in the decision-making process on how to manage and allocate these resources- the social norms and values that contribute to perpetuation of gender roles based on sexual division and on the effective enjoyment of rights.
The analysis of gender 3: different needs. What are the different needs that men and women have? Differentiating practical needs (immediate needs, linked to the roles of gender, to the conditions of life and work) and strategic needs (related to the relationship of subordination and strengthening of their own political and social position).
Practical Needs and Strategic Needs of Women What are they? Immediate needs of women due to their role of gender, that have to do with their living and working conditions: In general, women's health. Specifically, reproductive health. Family nutrition. Family care. Cast off the relationship of subordination, strengthen your social, economic, and political position, in other words, empower yourself. Modify roles, stereotypes, and revisit the gender identity through: Education and training on gender prejudices and equality of conditions. Balanced participation in different public forums. Full and equal integration in the labour market. Distribution of family responsibilities. Control of resources. What can be done? Reduce the workload of women. Ensure the prevention and maintenance of women’s health, in general, and the reproductive aspect in specific. Provide more and better services to families. Full exercise of all rights as human beings and citizens. Actions to build social consensus. Increase in education opportunities and in access to the labour market. Encourage autonomy and economic independence. Equal access to representative, decision- making, and government positions.
The analysis of gender 4: opportunities and limitations What limitations – restrictions – possibilities are they faced with? By considering needs closely, we must identify obstacles that may arise and opportunities that make it easier to meet needs in order to be able to achieve the proposed objectives.
The analysis of gender 5: action capability. What organizational, institutional, and community- based capabilities exist to promote equality? Assessing the ability of our organization and other bodies or institutions that can and should be involved in the changes to be promoted.
An example: salaries Where are men and women? Data on distribution of salaries by gender (at country, sectoral and employer level). Pay gap. How are they? Analyze the relationship between wages and segregated labour, link between wages and poverty and social exclusion, access to collective bargaining and influence on the agenda, etc. What different needs do they have? Heads of household, out of poverty, economic and social value of work traditionally carried out by women, access to all occupational categories and sectors, etc. What are the limitations and opportunities? Reconciling work and family life and impact on labour availability, strengthening of stereotypes, exclusion of certain sectors of the labour market. Access to occupational training. What trade union capabilities do we have? Awareness among people affiliated with the law and equal pay and collective bargaining power to reduce occupational segregation and the pay gap, promoting the presence of women in collective bargaining.