Advancing Grant Readiness Julie Assel, GPC President/CEO Assel Grant Services Hello, I’m Julie Assel with Assel Grant Services and welcome to Advancing Grant Readiness. How many of you have been asked by your organization: are we really grant ready? How many of you have been asked to write grants for your organization, but as you looked at the organization, you questioned whether you really were ready to handle the requirements of funders and their restricted dollars? So let’s explore what it really means to be grant ready. The good news is that there are many levels of grant readiness, and the bad news is that there are many levels of grant readiness. For example, just because you are receiving foundation grants, doesn’t necessarily mean you are ready for federal grants, but you might be…… @ACgrants
Organizational Development Strategic Plan Need Data Partnerships Strategies for Faculty Engagement Common Federal Grant Opportunities Literature Review Evaluation Data Budgets Capacity
Strategic Plan Institutional Priorities Institutional Challenges Retention Growth in particular majors Growth in particular populations
Need Data Data is King Know the data behind every institutional challenge Know the data behind every institutional priority Know the data in your community Institutional Research
Partnerships with your community Partners between leaders Partners at the department level Partners at the development level Partners with school districts Partners with industry Partners with community
Strategies for Faculty Engagement Administrative Support Department Support Release Time/Overload Contracts Indirect Cost Coffee and Conversation Upcoming Deadlines
Common Federal Grant Opportunities Department of Education Student Aid Student Support Pipeline National Science Foundation STEM Scholarships and Retention Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Health Resources and Services Administration Workforce Development – Nursing, Behavioral Health Department of Justice Campus Safety
Literature Review Plan from previous RFPs Connect with relevant faculty What are your faculty experts in-knowledge What can your faculty do? Determine what you know and what you don’t know Options for evidence-based or research-based programming Similar populations How are you unique
Evaluation Data Internal vs. External Evaluation Institutional Research External Evaluator Educational Researcher
Budgets Institutional Expectations Salary and benefit costs Indirect Cost Institutional Costs Resource Development, Finance, Department, PI costs Grant Manager
Capacity What is your capacity Ways to grow capacity Facilitating Writing Submitting Managing Implementing Evaluating Ways to grow capacity Hiring Contracting
Competencies Knowledge of Organizational Development (2) Knowledge of Strategies for Effective Program and Project Design and Development (3) Knowledge of How to Research, Identify, and match funding resources to meet specific needs (1) Knowledge of How to Craft, Construct, and Submit and Effective Grant Application (4) Knowledge of Post-Award Management Practices (5) Knowledge of Nationally Recognized Standards of Ethical Practice (6) Knowledge of Practices and Services to Raise Professionalism (7) Knowledge of Methods to Cultivate and Maintain Relationships (8) Ability to Write a Convincing Case for Funding (9) GPCI: Today, we have talk about two of the core competencies included in the Grant Professional’s Certification Exam. The other 7 are also listed above. If you are interested in learning more about this credential, feel free to stop by our table to talk with us about it. My colleague, Julie Alsup and I, are both credential grant professionals, with a lot of experience working with institutions of higher education of various sizes.
Questions? So what questions do you have about grant readiness today?
Questions? Contact Us and Connect! Julie Assel, GPC (913) 908-4150 Services Feel free to give us a call if you have questions about grant readiness or would like to learn more about how the services we provide that could help your organization now or in the future. We offer grant opportunity research, case statement development, grant calendar development, and grant writing on a one-time, interim, and full-time basis. We also offer capacity building support and training. Check out our website for additional grant training!