Rules VS Procedures
A rule is… Desirable behaviors that results in consequences when not met.
(Write down 3 examples for each) My 3 Rules: Respect yourself Respect others Respect property (Write down 3 examples for each)
Cell Phones/behavior Absolutely no cell phone use or texting is allowed at any time in class. Your phone will be immediately taken by the teacher and returned at the end of the day (1st offense) or sent to the office (multiple offenses). An attitude of respect is expected at ALL times. If an inappropriate/rude response is given by the student to the teacher or another student 1st offense-fill out the rude card 2nd offense-silent lunch 3rd offense-sit at “in-team” desk for the class period or several class periods (at Mrs. Wolfe’s discretion) I respect you simply because you are in my class and expect the same level of respect in return. An example of an appropriate response is “Yes, ma’am” or “Yes, Mrs. Wolfe”.
A Procedure is… How we do things.
Give me 5 When I raise my hand and say “Give me 5”, that’s my signal for you to: Stop Everything Raise Your Hand Look At Me Listen For Instructions
Entering the room Come in and immediately sit in your assigned seat. Make sure you have a sharpened pencil. Look to the board for your warm-up. Warm- up must be started when the timer goes off.
Lining up/hallway behavior I will dismiss the class by groups. Absolutely NO TALKING AT ALL in ANY hallway. Please face the front and stay straight at all times. If a teacher has to shut their door or ask you to be quiet, you must write them an apology letter. If a teacher compliments a student or the class’ behavior, you will earn 2 points toward the weekly reward.
Leaving the room — You have locker and restroom breaks throughout your day. You will only be allowed to return to these facilities under extreme emergencies. Make all trips out of the room prompt.
Ending class I dismiss you. Not the announcements, or classmates in the hallway. I will not dismiss you until EVERYTHING is off the floor and ALL books and materials are put where they belong. I will dismiss you by groups. **HINT- the group who has the straightest desk usually leaves first. **
Help with assignments C 3 b4 ME - If you have an question ask three AT LEAST three members in your group for help. Check the mini-lessons and standard based bulletin boards. Then come see me. Why would the teacher be your last option?
Group work I love group work! You will be in groups a lot….. IF you are mature enough. You are only allowed to talk to members in your group. If you are socializing with other groups, you will have to complete the work alone. Don’t make the red light go off. If this happens, the entire class has 10 minutes of silent classroom.
Point system You will work together with your groups. You can earn of lose points depending on your cooperation with the rules and procedures. If you have the required amount of points, you will receive a reward for your group’s behavior.
Handing in work Make sure your name is on your paper; place your paper in the appropriate bin in the back of the room. Each period has their own spot. What to do with unfinished work — If I ask for work to be turned in and yours is not complete, it becomes your homework. It will be due the next school day. No name will result in a 10 point deduction.
Tissue and trash You may get a tissue whenever you need one; throw the used tissue away immediately; make sure it lands in the trash can; get right back to work. Throwing away trash — You may throw away trash at the end of class; if you shoot the trash like a basketball and miss, you will be responsible for cleaning my classroom floor.
Visitors in the classroom Please do not greet visitors as they enter the room, continue working on your assignment. If another teacher comes in to ask me a question, please remain quiet. This is NOT time to socialize. Get quiet immediately when someone comes over the intercom. Do not answer for me. Someone step outside to grab me if I am in the hallway.