Welcome Back! 2016 – 2017 School Year Ms. Johnson Biology
ahspjohnson@weebly.com Unit 1 Characteristics of Science Unit 2 Ecology Unit 3 Cells Unit 4 Genetics Unit 5 Evolution Unit 6 Classification & Diversity Class syllabus, and other class information along with monthly calendars, assignments, & links to other resources can be found on the class web site Click on link and go to website. Have students sign up for remind Have students follow along with the syllabus on line, have hard copies for those students who don’t have their phones ahspjohnson@weebly.com
Grading Homework = 10% Lab Assignments = 30% Homework is due the day after it is assigned. All homework assigned in a unit will be collected on the day of the unit test. HW completed on time = 2 pts HW completed late = 1 pt incomplete HW > ½ completed = ½ pt Lab Assignments = 30% Major and Minor labs will be assigned throughout the semester. Labs taken home to complete are due the next day. Points will be deducted for labs turned in late. Grading
Grading Assessment = 15% Tests = 25% Final Exam = 20% Include quizzes, papers, or extended assignments. They will include information from class notes textbooks, lab activities, handouts, homework, and demonstrations that were completed in class Tests = 25% Major and Minor labs will be assigned throughout the semester. Labs taken home to complete are due the next day. Points will be deducted for labs turned in late. Final Exam = 20% Comprehensive 1st Semester final exam Grading
It will be used regularly in your class. Remind 2nd Period Text @4b45d7 to 81010 3rd Period Text @84687 to 81010 4th Period Text @21bd6 to 81010 5th Period Text @16763 to 81010 Be sure to include the @ symbol and answer the registration texts you receive Please sign up. It will be used regularly in your class.
You must complete a Tardy Ticket in order to enter the classroom You must complete a Tardy Ticket in order to enter the classroom. Habitual tardiness will be referred to administration
No passes are given during the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes of class or during instruction.
This is a Technology NO or Technology GO classroom This is a Technology NO or Technology GO classroom. Cell phones will be collected prior to all tests and quizzes.
The Common Syllabus describing school wide policies and procedures can be found on our class website ahspjohnson@weebly.com
Class RISE help sessions: Tuesdays 7:15 to 8:15 Bio AT RISE: recovery for missing lab work
Respect Integrity Citizenship Hard Work
Please read your instructions for all labs and assignments!!
Homework completed on time is stamped = 2pts Homework completed but with out a stamp = 1pt Homework >50% = ½pt
The tray for Late & Absent work is located on the black shelves at the front of the classroom.
Work with no names will be posted in the back of the classroom, put your name on it and turn it in again.
Technological difficulties are not an excuse for late work Technological difficulties are not an excuse for late work. Emailed work will not be accepted.
Missed work is filed by date in the file baskets in the back of the class
Extra Credit not an option Extra Credit not an option. Do your work when it is assigned, do it completely, and turn it in on time. If you need extra help come to RISE.
Respect Integrity Citizenship Hard Work