Bellwork Make sure you turn in your extra credit narratives by the end of the day today! Answer the following question using COMPLETE sentences: What do you need to remember when writing a narrative essay? What do you need to remember when writing a persuasive essay? What do you need to remember when writing an expository essay? WHEN YOU FINISH, MAKE SURE YOU’VE COLLECTED YOUR BELL WORK FROM LAST WEEK. YOU WILL NEED IT FOR TODAY’S LESSON!
Narrative Writing Practice In Preparation for your TNReady Assessment on WEDNESDAY
Let’s Practice Last week we finished a study of the poem “Sister” by Leona Gom. Think about that poem and its theme/message. Use that poem and the photos to the right to inspire a narrative that is at least 1.5 pages in length. Keep the TNReady rubric for narrative writing in mind as you write. Turn in your writing at the front of the room immediately upon completion.