PowerPoint Presentation Slides prepared by The World Economy: International Trade by Yarbrough & Yarbrough PowerPoint Presentation Slides prepared by Robert F. Brooker, Ph.D. Gannon University Copyright © 2006 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Nontariff Barriers Chapter Seven Copyright © 2006 South-Western/Thomson Learning
Figure 1: What Are the Effects of an Import Quota on Good Y?
Figure 2: What Happens in Response to Increased Demand under a Tariff and under a Quota?
Table 1: Costs of U.S. Import Quotas, 1990 (Millions $)
Figure 3: What Are the Effects of an Export Quota?
Figure 4: What Are the Effects of an Export Subsidy Figure 4: What Are the Effects of an Export Subsidy? Importing-Country Perspective
Table 2: U.S. Countervailing-Duty Investigations
Figure 5: Countervailing-Duty Actions Reported to the WTO, July 2001 - June 2002
Figure 6: What Are the Effects of an Export Subsidy Figure 6: What Are the Effects of an Export Subsidy? Exporting-Country Perspective
Table 3: Export Subsidies
Figure 7: What Are the Effects of a Production Subsidy?
Figure 8: Persistent Dumping as International Price Discrimination
Figure 9: Antidumping Actions Reported to the WTO, July 2001 - June 2002
Figure 10: Examples of Technical and Regulatory Barriers of Trade
Table 4: U.S. Antidumping Investigations
Table 5: Producer-Subsidy Equivalents in Agriculture (Percent)