College Essay Draft #2 (Keller – 2018) Peer Evaluation Guidelines
Our Goal for Today I’d like everybody to read and evaluate 3 – 4 essays. If we do this, you will have a good amount of other people assessing your own essay. Remember as you read and evaluate the various essays, your job is to help the writing to come up with a better narrative than they currently have. Therefore you MUST critique.
Step ONe First assess your own essay. Fill out the “College Essay Draft #2 Self Assessment” sheet. You will turn that in for a grade.
Step Two Take three of the half sheet handouts and staple them to the back of your essay.
As you read Your Classmate’s essays… Read the prompt and its specifics over thoroughly. You should write directly on the essay itself, focusing on grammatical mistakes, word choice issue, etc… (smaller, specific issues). Fill out the various areas found in the handouts. These will generally be bigger issues, overriding points for the writer to consider. You don’t want to make the writer feel horrible about him/herself BUT you need to give them constructive criticism.
When We’re Done Today… It’s your choice to what extent you take the advice of the peer evaluations of your essay. The final draft is due in ~ 2 weeks (Wed., Oct. 3rd)