Expectations for Mrs. Blythe’s 1st Grade Class These are the expectations we will follow this year to learn, play, and have fun.
Classroom Rules Show respect for other people and their things. Listen carefully to directions, and obey them the 1st time they are given. Work quietly and Do not touch others. Stay in your seat during class instruction. Work and play safely. Raise your hand before you ask a question. Listen quietly while others are speaking. Do not bring toys or gum to class.
Hall Rules Obey all of our school rules. Respect our school’s property. Be quiet in lines, hallways, and restrooms. Walk only, no running. Arms are crossed behind or down by your side as you walk. Stay in line, and stay on the right side of the hall.
Lunchtime Rules Stand in line and wait your turn to be served. Do not talk in the food line. Do not hang on the tray counter (where you slide your tray). Don’t play with or throw your food. Clean your table before you leave. Walk only, no running. Don’t take food out of the cafeteria. No talking the first 10 minutes of lunch. Keep your voices low.
Our Promises We will get along with each other and with our teachers. We will be friendly to everyone. We will be kind to each other: No putdowns, making fun of, or singling out anyone. We will exhibit self control. We will not tattle on others. We will take turns and share. We will respect others’ property and take care of our classroom. Do not do anything that might hurt yourself or another person. We will have a fun year! We will learn a lot!