CARE Global MEL Framework & Outcome/Impact Indicators May 2018


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Presentation transcript:

CARE Global MEL Framework & Outcome/Impact Indicators May 2018

The Program Strategy and Contribution to Change

The questions we aim at answering – Projects Questions on Reach In which countries do we work? How many people work in CARE? How many projects/initiatives do we implement? What sectors to we focus on and how many people do we reach? To what extent do we incorporate key programmatic elements in the implementation of actions? (partnership, civil society strengthening, gender, governance, resilience, innovation, advocacy…) 1. What changes (impacts/effects) do we contribute to? What evidence do we have to show those changes? Are we making progress toward our 2020 goals? WHAT Questions on Impact/ Outcomes 2. What are some of the most successful strategies that drive that change and allow us to progress toward our goals? which strategies would we like to deepen? What are we learning about CARE’s contribution to change? HOW 3. What does the WHAT and HOW mean to us? How do share that with external and internal audiences effectively? How can we better visualize and synthesize data/evidence? PICTURING THE CHANGE

The questions we aim at answering – Advocacy/Influencing initiatives In Which countries do we work/do advocacy-influencing work? How many advocacy-influencing projects/initiatives do we implement? How do we incorporate key programmatic elements in the implementation of intensive/moderate actions? (partnership, civil society strengthening, gender, governance, resilience, innovation) What sectors do our intensive/moderate advocacy actions focus on? How many people could we potentially reach if the advocacy/influencing work is completed? How many people do we actually reach once the advocacy/influencing work is completed? 1. What changes (impacts/effects) do we contribute to via our advocacy-influencing work? What evidence do we have to show those changes? Are we making progress toward our 2020 goals? WHAT 2. What are some of the most successful strategies that drive that change and allow us to progress toward our goals? which strategies would we like to deepen? What are we learning about CARE’s contribution to change? HOW 3. What does the WHAT and HOW mean to us? How do we share that with external and internal audiences effectively? How can we better visualize and synthesize advocacy-influencing data/evidence? PICTURING THE CHANGE

CARE’s Approach to MEL

Why we need the global indicators Our ability to measure progress towards our commitments and to explain how CARE contributes to lasting change has led to the establishment of a global evidence system. The core of this system is a common set of 25 global indicators plus other supplementary indicators, applicable to CARE projects and initiatives worldwide, allowing for the collection and consolidation of coherent and comparable outcome and impact data November 14, 2018

The commitments around the indicators Incorporate the global indicators in proposals/new contracts (as appropriate and relevant) from 1 July, 2016 onwards: At least one relevant outcome indicator (indicators 1 to 18) and as many as possible from the indicators for the CARE approach and roles (indicators 19 to 25) plus the supplementary indicators. In existing projects/programs/contracts, assess where the global and supplementary indicators can be integrated in monitoring and evaluation plans. Please revise these plans accordingly and integrate indicators where possible. Include the proposed global and supplementary indicators in upcoming evaluations (from now onwards, wherever possible). Report data to the Project/Program Information and Impact Reporting System (PIIRS), every time an evaluative process takes place and a project or initiatives has collected and analysed data on the indicators selected  Impact/Outcomes form The data on impact/outcomes is cumulative (over a 6-year period, from 1st July 2014 until 30 June 2020). We expect to have had an impact on 150 million people by 2020 and, more specifically, reached specific outcomes on SRMH and the right to a life free from violence, women’s economic empowerment, food and nutrition security and resilience to climate change, and humanitarian. The outcome targets include our work with and through partners. CARE never works in isolation and the outcomes we seek will be the result of actions with others. November 14, 2018

Where do I find the Indicators and guidance to track/measure them? November 14, 2018

For questions on the indicators, you can contact: Humanitarian assistance: Uwe Korus The Right to Sexual, Reproductive and Maternal Health & a Life Free From Violence: Dora Curry and Sarah Eckhoff Food & nutrition security and climate change resilience: Emily Janoch; Pranati Mohanraj or Pierre Kadet Women’s economic empowerment: Hazel Rogers Gender equality and Women’s Voice: Sarah Eckhoff Inclusive governance: Tom Aston Resilience: Wouter Bokdam and Wieteke Overbeek November 14, 2018

How is evidence collected around the global indicators? PIIRS impact/outcomes form: can be filled every time new outcome/data evidence is available

What the final product looks like: our ability to report people impacted in outcomes

Questions? November 14, 2018

Examples: short presentations & contributions from the audience

3. 4. 22. 5. 19. 21. PIIRS RESPONSE REVIEWS CARE 2020 #/% population having access to basic services 3. CARE 2020 #/% people affected by crisis receiving assistance by/through CARE 4. aggregate quality Life saving % of people that engage in reducing their vulnerabilities to shocks that affect them 21. PIIRS Rating Sub-indicators Translated Sub-indicators #/% people reached by CARE‘s humanit. projects achieving at least GenMark 2 22. #/% people affected by crisis who have access to Food & Nutrition Security WASH, Shelter SRMH services, Livelihood Options due to assistance received from/through CARE Core Indicators by Sector aggregate #/% people reached by CARE‘s humanit. projects achieving at least InGovMark 2 Rating Proxi #/% people affected by crisis reporting satisfaction with timeliness, relevance & accountability of CARE‘s assistance 5. #/% people assisted by/through CARE having meaningfully participated in decision making 19. Framed Indicators (e.g. from CHS) RESPONSE REVIEWS aggregate