CONTRACTS Health Team Relations
Contract Definition-an agreement between two or more parties.
Three parts to a contract…. Offer- a competent person enters into a relationship with a health care provider and offers to be a patient. Acceptance-the HC provider gives an appointment or examines/treats the person Consideration-payment made by the patient for services provided
Types of Contracts Implied Contract-obligations are understood without verbally expressed terms. If a HCW prepares a medication and the patient takes it, the patient implies they accept the treatment. Expressed Contract-stated in distinct and clear language-can be oral or written such as surgical consent. All risks must be explained to patient.
Requirements 1. All parties must be free of legal disability. legal disability includes minors, mentally incompetent persons, individuals under the influence of drugs that alter mental state, semiconscious or unconscious persons. These individuals would require a parent, guardian, or other legal representative to consent.
Requirements 2. Standard of Care care must be performed according to the agreement Breach of Contract failure to perform proper care or provide care failure to pay for care 3. Translator is required for non-English speaking individuals.
Principal and Agent Principal is the employer responsible for the actions of the agent Agent is the employee must be aware of their role and work to protect the interest of their employer
Reference Health Science Career Exploration by Louise Simmers 2004 edition