What is Science Olympiad? MS Video Clip from 2016 2018 Includes 23 different events!!! Events include “Build”, “Experimental”, “Knowledge Competition”, and “Independent” competitions.
Event Categories Life, Personal & Social Sciences Earth and Space Science Physical Science & Chemistry Technology & Engineering Inquiry & Nature of Science
Life, Personal & Social Science: Anatomy & Physiology (Respiratory, Digestive and Immune Systems) Disease Detectives Ecology Herpetology (reptiles and amphibians) Microbe Mission (microscopes and microbes)
Earth & Space Science Dynamic Planet (Plate Tectonics, Earthquakes, Volcanoes) Meteorology (weather patterns)NG Training Videos Road Scholar (use maps, GPS, satellite maps, etc.)Training Video Rocks & Minerals (ID and Properties) Solar System (Earth’s moon and other rocky bodies of the solar system)
Physical Science & Chemistry Crime Busters (C.S.I. Forensics)Crime Buster Hovercraft Hovercraft Optics (mirrors and lasers)Optics Video Potions & Poisons (chemical properties, toxins, chemistry) Thermodynamics (build an insulated container and answer questions on heat and thermodynamic laws(
Technology & Engineering Battery Buggy (construct a vehicle that is electric powered ..speed and distance [must stop at a variable point]).Battery Buggy Video Roller Coaster (build/test a roller coaster as close as possible to a target time)[between 20s and 45s in 5s intervals]Roller Coaster Towers (built to support a mass of between 15,100g and 15, 200g)Tower Write Stuff (balsa airplane...longest flight duration [indoors])Flight
Inquiry & Nature of Science Experimental Design (design, conduct, and report findings of an experiment actually conducted on competition date from the materials provided)Example of Exp. Design Fast Facts(given a grid to match letters to given science categories) Mystery Architecture (given materials on competition day, students will design and build a device that can be tested (ex: bridge, tower, cantilevers) Write It Do It (one partner writes directions on how to build, other partner has to try and build it)Intro to Write It Do It
EAMS Team 2017-2018 Marks the 3rd year that EAMS will compete in the Science Olympiad and the 2nd year that we will have a full team of 15 competitors. Science Olympiad limits each team to 15 members competing on a given day, but may bring more to cheer them on (Wrist bands are given to competitors) Top 15 students will compete on March 24th at Millersville University Top 8 Middle Schools go on to the State Competition at Juniata College Top State Teams will compete in Boulder, Colorado for Nationals.
EAMS Meeting Schedule We will meet every Friday Morning from arrival time (not later than 7:45) until 8:05am in Dr. Re’s room initially, then hope to move to the Wood Lab later. This requires INDEPENDENT WORK as well! This requires YOU to work on the events on your own as well as in teams Build Events require collaboration and inventive use of materials (we can order some things, but try to re-purpose items) [We MIGHT do a fundraiser if more $ is needed for materials]
EAMS Meeting Schedule (Cont.) Our GOAL is to have FINAL Models complete by the end of January! Use February for fine tuning and testing Event is March 24th (all day) at Millersville University We can meet after school (dates and times TBD) BUT will require you to arrange for your own transportation after school We will arrange for testing of knowledge-based events We have resources in school for use (rocks/minerals, field guides, books, etc.)