The Immune System
skin & organ lining sweat natural body acids small hairs (cilia) mucus phlegm acid
white blood cells (WBC)
white blood cells (WBC) inflammation more blood Area’s temperature increases
Bodies of fallen soldiers (your white blood cells)
special memory cells
global scale E.coli food poisoning Polio 1916 in the US Polio became an pandemic later on Both bubonic plague and Spanish flu are viral global scale E.coli food poisoning Polio 1916 in the US Bubonic plague 1347 Spanish flu 1918
Spanish flu
Viral, from wild animals (bats, chimps), human to human from direct contact 50% fatality Come back 2014 fever, muscle pain, vomiting ,diarrhea, kidney liver damage, internal external bleeding
Brainstorm: There is a sudden outbreak of CW virus in West Vancouver Brainstorm: There is a sudden outbreak of CW virus in West Vancouver. The virus induces severe vomiting and dehydration and has infected 150 individuals over 8 days. You work for the local health authorities. What steps would you take to insure that the virus doesn’t spread further? Measures to hinder the spread of the CW virus has failed. You work for Health Canada. What steps would you take to insure that the virus doesn’t spread globally?
a substance that causes an immune response that prepares the immune system for future attacks
live weakened
Measles Mumps Chicken Pox Yellow fever Measles – viral, high fever, can result in blindness, brain inflammation, rash Mumps – viral, swollen salivary glands Chicken pox – viral, mild fever, rash Yellow fever – transmitted by mosquitoes, viral, internal bleeding, fever, vomitting Yellow fever
live weakened dead
Rabies Hep A Whooping cough Hep A – virus, liver disease Rabies – viral, brain inflammation, violent behaviour, uncontrollable excitement, certain death Whooping cough – bacterial, thick mucus in respiratory tract, severe coughing following by intake of breath “whoop” Whooping cough
live weakened dead specific pieces
Hep b – viral, damages liver Flu – viral, fever, aches and pains
live weakened dead specific pieces inactivated toxins
Diphtheria Diptheria – bacterial, swollen glands, grey patch covering back of throat Tetanus – bacterial, muscle spasms beginning in the jaw, bone fractures from spasms Tetanus
rare different leukemia autism
a chemical that affects bacteria kills bacteria (dissolves cell membrane) prevents bacteria growth & reproduction DOES NOT WORK ON VIRUSES
In your own words: Watch Antibiotic Apocalypse and use the image below to describe what antibiotic resistance is. How does it occur? What is a superbug?