Welcome to… Introductions
Welcome to… https://youtu.be/cTSsmRRqT3k
Aims of the evening: To give a broad overview of the character of the Primary Transition Process into IGS. (what? when? and why?) To give you the opportunity to have any questions you may have answered by members of the school Leadership Team in an informal setting. To introduce the nature of Personal Best and e-learning throughout the school through use of iPads. Read slide
The Challenge: Transferring from primary to secondary school is a major event in any student’s life, but there are many things that schools can do to make this process a positive and stress-free experience. The key to successful transition for all students is linked to their ability to develop good relationships with staff and peers. Transferring from primary to secondary school is a major event in any student’s life, but there are many things that schools can do to make this process a positive and stress-free experience.
What we hope to achieve. There are five indicators of a successful transition system students: 1. develop new friendships and improve their self-esteem and confidence. 2. settle in so well that they cause no concerns to their parents. 3. show an increased interest in school and schoolwork. 4. get used to their new routines and school organisation with ease. 5. experience curriculum continuity and avoid any learning dip.
Our response: What we do and why we do it. IGS staff and some Y7 students visits to primary schools (IGS Roadshows) Y6 student visits to IGS (One Amazing Day) Curriculum led activities (Art of Maths/Drama production/Transition Sports) Support from Post16 iLeaders (check in/PB Time) Parents’ information evenings and tutor meetings Thorough information and data transfer systems between schools Personalised assistance from IGS Learning Support where it is needed Website information both for students and parents
And what there is to come… Primary Roadshows: ANC, SLM and SJV visit each of the six main feeder schools for presentation and Q&A session (21st to 25th May) One Amazing Day: Year 6 teachers bring their class to IGS for a day of ‘discovery’ and fun. (June) Student Welcome Morning: Future Year 7 students come to IGS for a morning of ‘familiarisation’ activities with their new tutor group, new tutor and future post 16 iLeaders (Wednesday 4th July) Parent/Student Welcome Evening A chance to hear a presentation from our Headteacher, meet the school Leadership Team and browse displays from in-school and outside agencies (Wednesday 4th July) Transition Sports: A great day of ‘fun and games’ at the IGS school field (Friday 13th July)
Year 6 Transition Sports (Friday 13th July)
These are the Year 7 Tie values for next year: We will challenge your child to demonstrate these values in Year 7. At the road show events in June, we will be getting the young people to think about how they can demonstrate these values at IGS in Year 7.
One word to describe IGS https://youtu.be/lmqTsQYeJp0
e-learning @ilkleygrammar Aims: To ensure all of our students achieve their personal best by providing the opportunities to learn independently, collaboratively and creatively in a way which engages and motivates them. To prepare them for life and work in the 21st century
How does this benefit my child's learning? ‘On Demand’ access to ICT. Learning doesn’t need to stop at the end of a lesson or at the end of the school day. Opportunities for student-led learning - challenge based. Flipped Learning. Preparation at home - investigation at school. Instant opportunities for Assessment for Learning. Collaboration with us and each other. On demand access to ICT and I don’t just mean browsing the internet. Learning doesn’t need to stop at classroom door (caveat on workload.) Collaboration is a huge with with 1:1 devices the students can work on the same documents (from different machines) and interact with each other and teaching staff
Safeguarding Nothing given a higher priority in school than safeguarding your child E-safety training Partnership between families and school An unconditional and without judgement approach to individual and family support Safeguarding your child matters and while they are in our care that matters hugely to us all. That jurisdiction doesn’t (as it used to) end at the school gate at 3pm. You as parents clearly have responsibility too, and your firewalls and parental controls on your WiFi network are your responsibility (and I wouldn’t want to try and impose anything) but we are ahere ot help. However, this is a partnership. All students and all our staff are e-safety trained. But occasionally things go wrong but my promise to you and your children is we can and will help. If we ourselves can solve something we invariably can point you to someone that can. Please if you have any issues with E-safety or any other safety issue ring the school and talk to the student support team.
Transition Information Pack 6-2-7 Information brochure (for you retain) Parent consents booklet (for you retain) Data Collection Form needs completely filling in with consents ticked on back Please return to data collection form to us by Thursday 3rd May Any questions please telephone or email us Go through new routine and emphasize to do sections
The package – to be confirmed 32Gb iPad 6th Gen - Wifi only. Protective case Insurance Educational apps In partnership with Freedomtech
We are Ilkley Grammar School https://youtu.be/RgE85Tu4dDw
email andrew.calvert@ilkleygs.co.uk Tonight: Speak to us after each of the presentations Later on: Visit school website for additional details or contact Mr Calvert/Mrs Varley directly by phone (01943 608424) or email email andrew.calvert@ilkleygs.co.uk