CONNECTED CHURCH World Relief Cambodia
BOPHA’S STORY Autumn 2016
Bopha. is 21 and lives in Thbong Khmum Province Bopha* is 21 and lives in Thbong Khmum Province. her life thus far has been anything but typical; a heartbreaking combination of loss, fear and deceit. Thbong Khmum Province I am a farmer by trade - growing up I would always help out on my parents farm. When I got married at 17, I took my skills with me and grew crops and raised animals to sell at market and support my family. Two years later my husband passed away, leaving me and my young son behind. Grieving and without enough money to survive, we moved back to live with my mother. The next few months were difficult. However hard I tried I just could not find a job. My mother looked after us as best she could with what little she had, but we would go to bed hungry most nights.
‘We had no idea of the horrors that lay ahead of us’ One day we got a visit from a lady who said she was my mother’s aunt. She told us she had heard we were struggling and had found me a job as a housemaid in Malaysia, earning $375 per month. We were so relieved and so happy! That night struggling to sleep with excitement, we had no idea of the horrors that lay ahead of us. Within a week my mother’s great aunt had processed my passport and paperwork. She took me to Phnom Penh where I stayed with ten other women all on their way to similar jobs in Malaysia. We had such fun together - a few of them had worked in Malaysia before so spent the evening teaching us words and phrases in Malaysian. It felt very joyful. The next day brought with it deep terror as we realised we had been taken to a brothel. The only thing we could think of for the next month was how to escape. We decided late one night that our only option was to run. And so we ran, all in opposite directions to try and confuse the people holding us captive. We were chased, but some of us managed to hide in a nearby forest. I stayed in my hiding place all night, but lost everyone else.
After her ordeal, Bopha arrived home vulnerable and defeated After her ordeal, Bopha arrived home vulnerable and defeated. She lived fearfully and struggled to make friends. The next three days I walked through the forest, until eventually, exhausted, I reached a road. I found a local police station and told them what had happened. A week later, vulnerable and defeated, I arrived home. Since getting back I struggle to leave the house. I am afraid of everyone, and I feel like nobody will want to be my friend because of what has happened to me.
‘I think this is what real love looks like’ World Relief staff have been working in my mother’s village for years, building friendships and educating us about trafficking. They have been visiting me regularly since I got back, and despite my anxiety I look forward to it. I trust them, and they have given me the support I need; they know I used to farm so gave me seeds and other equipment, and found me some disused land to plant on. They are also giving me counselling which is really helping. I hope to visit church with them as soon as I am confident enough. I think this is what real love looks like. Please continue to pray for Bopha’s healing, and for trafficking victims across the world. Whilst we may never fully understand the extent of their suffering, Jesus does - pray that he meets them in the midst of them. Amen.
PRAYER Please pray for Bopha, that her recovery would continue. Pray for all victims of trafficking across the world, that God would intervene to bring them safety, healing and peace.
We would love your church to pray for Bopha regularly. The next slide is a set postcards with her story on them: Print them out Cut them up Give to people to take home
KINGS CHURCH KIGEZI, UGANDA KIGEZI, UGANDA KIGEZI, UGANDA Living in a rural Cambodian village 21 year old Bopha had no money and no oppourtunity to provide for her family. Vulnerable, she was tricked into being trafficked and went through months of terror before she managed to escape. Upon returning to her village, she met World Relief Cambodia who are supporting her through her recovery. She is on a journey towards knowing God - please keep praying for her and victims of trafficking across the world. Medius Tumuwebaze’s husband passed away 14 years ago and she had to raise their three young children alone. Life has been very difficult for them. Medius has HIV but couldn’t get the drugs or food she needed so her health became very bad. Her sons dropped out of school to care for her. Her family was chosen by KDWSP to have a new rainwater harvest tank, it was a great moment. But first the leaky grass roof on their house needed replacing. The community raised the money together and work began at the beginning of March. Now they have clean water and a dry home. KIGEZI, UGANDA KIGEZI, UGANDA Medius Tumuwebaze’s husband passed away 14 years ago and she had to raise their three young children alone. Life has been very difficult for them. Medius has HIV but couldn’t get the drugs or food she needed so her health became very bad. Her sons dropped out of school to care for her. Her family was chosen by KDWSP to have a new rainwater harvest tank, it was a great moment. But first the leaky grass roof on their house needed replacing. The community raised the money together and work began at the beginning of March. Now they have clean water and a dry home. Medius Tumuwebaze’s husband passed away 14 years ago and she had to raise their three young children alone. Life has been very difficult for them. Medius has HIV but couldn’t get the drugs or food she needed so her health became very bad. Her sons dropped out of school to care for her. Her family was chosen by KDWSP to have a new rainwater harvest tank, it was a great moment. But first the leaky grass roof on their house needed replacing. The community raised the money together and work began at the beginning of March. Now they have clean water and a dry home.