Hippocrates and the Four Humors How important was Hippocrates to Greek medicine?
Who was Hippocrates?
If these were unbalanced then you became ill What were the 4 Humors? Blood If these were unbalanced then you became ill Black Bile Yellow Bile Phlegm
Blood Black Bile Yellow Bile Phlegm Diseases of the 4 Humors Diseases of the blood would include: Heart disease, angina, nosebleeds, anaemia, diabetes, skin disorders and acne. Black Bile Diseases of the black bile would include: Constipation, shaking and tics, stomach ulcers, will not eat. Yellow Bile Diseases of the yellow bile would include: jaundice, gall stones, migraines, joint pain and swellings (arthritis) Phlegm Diseases of the Phlegm would include: coughs, colds and asthma, bronchitis and diseases of the lungs.
Blood Black Bile Balance of the 4 Humors The Greeks believed that if you had too much of this you were slow, sluggish and depressed. They would give you a purgative – this made you go to the toilet a lot. The Greeks believed that if you had too much of this you were feverish, hot and bad tempered. The Greeks would use leeches to bleed you.
Phlegm Yellow Bile Balance of the 4 Humors The Greeks believed that if you had too much of this you were bad tempered and you felt sick. The Greeks would use something to make you sick a lot which was not good if you already felt sick. The Greeks believed that if you had too much of this you were supposed to be tearful and unhappy. The Greeks would use something to make you hot and sticky.
Hello I’m Hippocrates, I’m the greatest doctor that ever lived Hello I’m Hippocrates, I’m the greatest doctor that ever lived. I have some of my Greek Patients who need treatment and I want you to help me to heal them.
Persephone - Anaemia Persephone is a flower seller from Andros. She has been feeling faint and she has anaemia. This disease makes the patient feel sleepy and dizzy. This was an actual Greek disease as the word comes from ANAIMIA which means lack of blood. Hippocrates would think she had an imbalance of which Humor and why? What would you do to rebalance her humors?
Pythagoras – Constipation Pythagoras is a mathematician from Samos. He has had tummy ache and doesn’t want to eat. He cannot go to the toilet and has prayed to the goddess of childbirth Eileithyia but it has not worked. Hippocrates would think he had an imbalance of which Humor and why? What would you do to rebalance his humors?
Aesop - Arthritis Aesop is a writer of fables from Asine. He has become ill as he has a swollen hand and painful joints. He cannot write any more tales as he is in a lot of pain. Hippocrates would think he had an imbalance of which Humor and why? What would you do to rebalance his humors?
Zeus - Sneezing Zeus is a warrior from Athens. He has become ill as he is sneezing and is coughing quite a lot. Hippocrates would think you he an imbalance of which Humor and why? What would you do to rebalance his humors?
Plutus - Migraines Plutus is a warrior from Athens. He has become ill as he has blindness and a very bad headache. He also feels sick. Hippocrates would think you he had an imbalance of which Humor and why? What would you do to rebalance his humors?
Aristophanes - Leprosy Aristophanes is a playwright from Athens, but lately he has been feeling ill. He has scaly skin and is infected with Leprosy. This disease makes the patient have raised scaly skin. This was an actual Greek disease as the word comes from the word LEPRA which means scaly skin. The Greeks felt that this disease was a curse from God so how would you cure Aristophanes?
Homer - Cholera Homer is a water carrier from and has drank some water which is infected with Cholera. This is disease makes the patient sick and have diarrhoea. This was an actual Greek disease as the word comes form the word KHLOE which means “Bile” in Greek. Hippocrates would think you he an imbalance of which Humor and why? What would you do to rebalance his humors.
Stavros - Asthma Stavros is a kebab seller from Kos. Lately he has had to close his stall as he has been wheezing and cannot get his breath. Hippocrates would think you he an imbalance of which Humor and why? What would you do to rebalance his humors?