Stormwater Management Program Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) April 5, 2018
MS4 Compliance Requirements Update Permit Cycle: March 16, 2018 ~March 15, 2023 Annual Reports: Due by September 30th $500 Annual Installment payment Six Minimum Control Measures Pollution Reduction “New”
Six Minimum Control Measures MCM #1: Public Education and Outreach On Stormwater Impacts MCM #2: Public Involvement / Participation MCM #3: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination MCM #4: Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control MCM #5: Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New and Re-Development Activities MCM #6: Pollution Prevention / Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations
MCM #1: Public Education and Outreach On Stormwater Impacts Distribute Educational Material Publish article once a year on Stormwater Educational Information Provide information on website about the Township Stormwater Management Activities Provide links to DEP’s and EPA’s Stormwater websites on Township website Select and utilize at least two distribution methods annually Displays, posters, signs, pamphlets, booklets, brochures, radio, local cable TV, newspaper articles, other advertisements, bill stuffers, presentations, conferences, meetings, fact sheets, giveaways, and storm drain stenciling.
MCM #2: Public Involvement / Participation Provide opportunities for public to participate in decision making process related to the MS4 Permit and annual presentations to solicit public input Routinely communicate with environmental organizations that operate within proximity to the permittee’s regulated MS4s. Making annual MS4 status reports and all other plans, maps and reports required by the General Permit available to the public on the Township website Advertise to the public and solicit input for SWM Ordinance & PRP modifications
MCM #3: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Establish procedures for identifying and eliminating illicit discharges Annual update existing maps with required information Conduct dry weather screening of the MS4 outfalls (407) to evaluate the presence of illicit discharges Respond to reports received from the public or other agencies of suspected illicit discharges associated with the storm sewer systems Take enforcement action as necessary
MCM #3: Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Update ordinance that is consistent with DEPs 2022 Model Stormwater Management Ordinance Each year provide educational information concerning illicit discharges to target audiences Enact an ordinance on proper management of animal wastes on property owned by the Township Immediate reporting accidents causing pollution in stream to DEP by telephone
MCM #4: Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control Rely on DEPs program for issuing NPDES permits for stormwater discharges associated with construction activities Township is not to issue building or other permits or final approval to those proposing or conducting earth disturbance activities requiring an NPDES permit Enact, implement and enforce an ordinance to require the implementation and maintenance of E&S control BMP, including sanctions for non-compliance
MCM #5: Post-Construction Stormwater Management in New and Re-Development Activities Rely on DEPs program for issuing NPDES permits for stormwater discharges associated with construction activities Update Township ordinance that is consistent with DEPs 2022 model Stormwater Management Ordinance Develop and implement measures to encourage and expand the use of Low Impact Development and update ordinance Ensure adequate O&M of all post-construction stormwater management BMPs have been installed. Township must track BMP approved through NPDES permit
MCM #6: Pollution Prevention / Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations Develop and implement and O&M Program that includes a training component Identify and document all operations owned or operated by Township and have potential for generating pollution in stormwater runoff to the regulated small MS4. Define procedures for proper disposal of waste Employee training shall occur annually Update the training program each year
Pollution Reduction Plan “New”
Cost Estimate Proposed BMP Estimated Annual Cost = $107,000 / year
Operation and Maintenance of BMPs Ponds Inspections 378 Above Ground Detention Basins 39 Below Ground Detention Basins