Histology Quiz: The Cardiovascular System By Andrew W Histology Quiz: The Cardiovascular System By Andrew W. Parsons Copyright 2000, All Rights Reserved. To advance to next slide: -click mouse or “page down” To return to the previous slide: - press “page up”
Blood -Which fundamental tissue? -What are the three types of formed elements?
Blood -A connective tissue -Cells: -RBC’s -WBC’s -Platelets
Blood - 450X Cell Type? Cell Type?
Blood - 450X RBC’s WBC’s
Blood - 1000X Cell Type? Subtype? Cell Type? Identify
Blood - 1000X WBC: neutrophil RBC’s Platelet
Artery & Vein Three layers: ?
Artery & Vein Three layers: -Tunica intima -Tunica media -Tunica adventitia
Vessel? Vessel?
Artery Vein
Layer?: Epithelium Type? Layer?: Tissue Types?. Layer?: Tissue Type?. Layer? Layer? Layer?
Tunica intima: simple squamous epithelium Tunica media: smooth muscle, elastic c.t. Tunica adventitia: areolar c.t. Tunica intima Tunica adventitia Tunica media
Submucosa of esophagus: 450X Vessel? Vessel?
Submucosa of esophagus: 450X Small artery Small vein
Submucosa of colon: 450X Vessel? Vessel?
Submucosa of colon: 450X Small artery Small vein
Cardiac Muscle -Four Properties:
Cardiac Muscle -A reticulum -Striated cells -Intercalated discs -Uninucleate cells
What type of Muscle is this? Note: Arrangement Of the cells.
Cardiac Muscle 450X Note: cells branch, form a reticulum
Cardiac Muscle 450X These Lines? Banded Appearance?
Cardiac Muscle 450X Intercalated discs Striations
CardiacMuscle 1000X These Lines? Banded Appearance?
CardiacMuscle 1000X Intercalated discs Striations
What Type of Muscle? Note its characteristics
Cardiac Muscle 450X Note: 1) striations 2) intercalated discs appear white
The End Presentation & Photographs by Andrew W. Parsons Copyright 2000, All Rights Reserved.