Healthy Relationships for Youth Session 7 LGBTQ+ Trivia Healthy Relationships for Youth Session 7
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q1: A person whose gender identity does not correspond to that person’s biological sex assigned at birth is…? Bisexual Gender non-conforming Transgender
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q1: A person whose gender identity does not correspond to that person’s biological sex assigned at birth is…? Bisexual Gender non-conforming Transgender
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q2: This term comes from Indigenous culture to refer to Indigenous folks who are LGBTQ+. Before colonization, many Indigenous cultures recognized the traditions and sacredness of people who maintain a balance by housing both male and female spirits. The terms gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender are European in origin, and this term may be preferred as being more culturally relevant: Gender neutral Two-spirited Bi-gender
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q2: This term comes from Indigenous culture to refer to Indigenous folks who are LGBTQ+. Before colonization, many Indigenous cultures recognized the traditions and sacredness of people who maintain a balance by housing both male and female spirits. The terms gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender are European in origin, and this term may be preferred as being more culturally relevant: Gender neutral Two-spirited Bi-gender
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q3: An inclusive term that refers collectively to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer, and those who identify beyond those terms a) LGBTQ+ b) Gender variant c) LGBT
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q3: An inclusive term that refers collectively to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, queer, and those who identify beyond those terms a) LGBTQ+ b) Gender variant c) LGBT
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q5: Once known as a derogatory term for homosexual and a word meaning odd or weird, this word was reclaimed by lesbian, gay, and bisexual activists in the 1980’s as a proud name for themselves. This term blurs the lines between sexuality and gender and is often used as an all-inclusive or “umbrella” term for all LGBT+ individuals. a) Queer b) Queen c) Non-heterosexual
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q5: Once known as a derogatory term for homosexual and a word meaning odd or weird, this word was reclaimed by lesbian, gay, and bisexual activists in the 1980’s as a proud name for themselves. This term blurs the lines between sexuality and gender and is often used as an all-inclusive or “umbrella” term for all LGBT+ individuals. a) Queer b) Queen c) Non-heterosexual
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q6: The fear of, or contempt for, other people because of their gender identity. a) Genderphobia b) Homophobia c) Transphobia
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q6: The fear of, or contempt for, other people because of their gender identity. a) Genderphobia b) Homophobia c) Transphobia
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q7: A sexuality where people have the capability of attraction to others regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. Based entirely on attraction to personality/individual traits unrelated to any sex or gender characteristics. a) Demisexual b) Manysexual c) Pansexual
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q7: A sexuality where people have the capability of attraction to others regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. Based entirely on attraction to personality/individual traits unrelated to any sex or gender characteristics. a) Demisexual b) Manysexual c) Pansexual
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q8: A person who does not experience romantic attraction. a) Aromantic b) Androsexual c) Anti-romantic
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q8: A person who does not experience romantic attraction. a) Aromantic b) Androsexual c) Anti-romantic
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q9: A person who does not experience sexual attraction. They may still experience romantic attraction, but have no interest in sexual partnering. a) Non-sexual b) Sensual attraction c) Asexual
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q9: A person who does not experience sexual attraction. They may still experience romantic attraction, but have no interest in sexual partnering. a) Non-sexual b) Sensual attraction c) Asexual
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q10: A person who has sexual and romantic attraction to people of their own gender and also people who identify as other genders a) Polyamorous b) Bisexual c) Non-binary
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q10: A person who has sexual and romantic attraction to people of their own gender and also people who identify as other genders a) Polyamorous b) Bisexual c) Non-binary
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q11: Prejudice toward and hatred of bisexual persons or those perceived to be so. Assuming that bi people are either straight people pretending to be gay, gay people pretending to be straight, or that once they are with a partner that decides their sexuality. a) Demiphobia b) Biphobia c) Bi-intolerance
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q11: Prejudice toward and hatred of bisexual persons or those perceived to be so. Assuming that bi people are either straight people pretending to be gay, gay people pretending to be straight, or that once they are with a partner that decides their sexuality. a) Demiphobia b) Biphobia c) Bi-intolerance
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q12: An individual whose sexual feelings are primarily for people of the opposite sex, also referred to as straight. a) Heterosensual b) Breeder c) Heterosexual
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q12: An individual whose sexual feelings are primarily for people of the opposite sex, also referred to as straight. a) Heterosensual b) Breeder c) Heterosexual
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q13: An individual whose sexual feelings are primarily for people of the same sex. While this term was once widely used, it is preferred less today. One reason many people do not like it is that the term was once used to define a mental illness. The medical and psychiatric professions have now clearly stated that this is not an illness. The terms LGBTQ, gay, or queer are more commonly used terms for non-hetero communities. a) Homosexual b) Homosapian c) Same-sexual
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q13: An individual whose sexual feelings are primarily for people of the same sex. While this term was once widely used, it is preferred less today. One reason many people do not like it is that the term was once used to define a mental illness. The medical and psychiatric professions have now clearly stated that this is not an illness. The terms LGBTQ, gay, or queer are more commonly used terms for non-hetero communities. a) Homosexual b) Homosapian c) Same-sexual
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q14: Prejudice toward and hatred of lesbian and gay persons or those perceived to be so. The systemic oppression of individuals because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation. a) Biphobia b) Intolerant c) Homophobia
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q14: Prejudice toward and hatred of lesbian and gay persons or those perceived to be so. The systemic oppression of individuals because of their actual or perceived sexual orientation. a) Biphobia b) Intolerant c) Homophobia
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q15: A bias towards heterosexuality or the exclusion of homosexuality. Also, the presumption that heterosexuality is superior to homosexuality leading to prejudice, bias or discrimination based on these things. Additionally, assuming that all people are straight (often perpetuated by media, older generations, and schools/institutions). a) Cisgenderism b) Heterosexism c) Homosexism
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q15: A bias towards heterosexuality or the exclusion of homosexuality. Also, the presumption that heterosexuality is superior to homosexuality leading to prejudice, bias or discrimination based on these things. Additionally, assuming that all people are straight (often perpetuated by media, older generations, and schools/institutions). a) Cisgenderism b) Heterosexism c) Homosexism
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q16: Originally a descriptor for men whose primary sexual and romantic attractions were for other men, the term also is currently used to describe the community which may include lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons. a) Queer b) Gay c) Gender fluid
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q16: Originally a descriptor for men whose primary sexual and romantic attractions were for other men, the term also is currently used to describe the community which may include lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons. a) Queer b) Gay c) Gender fluid
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q17: Refers to the attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with a person’s biological sex. It is socially constructed, meaning that it can differ from society to society and is created and enforced by that society. Example: Men must do hard labour jobs, women must do caring/nurturing jobs. a) Gender b) Sexual Orientation c) Identity
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q17: Refers to the attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with a person’s biological sex. It is socially constructed, meaning that it can differ from society to society and is created and enforced by that society. Example: Men must do hard labour jobs, women must do caring/nurturing jobs. a) Gender b) Sexual Orientation c) Identity
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q18: A woman whose primary sexual and romantic attractions are for other women (a homosexual or gay woman). a) Two-spirited b) Womanizer c) Lesbian
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q18: A woman whose primary sexual and romantic attractions are for other women (a homosexual or gay woman). a) Two-spirited b) Womanizer c) Lesbian
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q19: A person whose gender identity corresponds to that person’s biological sex assigned at birth a) Transgender b) Cis-gender c) Non-binary
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q19: A person whose gender identity corresponds to that person’s biological sex assigned at birth a) Transgender b) Cis-gender c) Non-binary
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q20: A person who doesn’t identify as male or female (within the gender binary). a) Non-binary b) Non-sexual c) Non-gendered
LGBTQ+ Trivia Q20: A person whose gender identity corresponds to that person’s biological sex assigned at birth a) Non-binary b) Non-sexual c) Non-gendered