Subtext: HOW-TO Give examples of the following that you find hidden in or suggested by the piece: Values Beliefs Attitudes In essence, “read between the lines.” What is it saying without saying it? Do not be afraid to go too far.
Subtext: HOW-TO QUESTION EVERYTHING: WHY, WHY, WHY? Why that person? Why that gender, race, age, or class? Why that pose, in those clothes? Why that magazine or that show? Why that music? Why that setting?
Subtext: HOW-TO AUDIENCE: To whom is it targeted? What is the audience’s age ethnicity race gender religion socio-economic class?
Subtext: HOW-TO AUDIENCE: In what magazine did it appear (or on what television station, at what time, during what show)? What is its readership? (who buys, read it) What kind of office would it be found in? How would the advertisement be different if it were in a different magazine?
Subtext: HOW-TO TOULMIN METHOD: What is its apparent thesis? What are its CLAIMS? What is its main argument? How does it support that thesis? What are its “GROUNDS”? What is its proof, evidence? Refer to rhetorical strategies. Are these claims WARRANTED by the evidence? Supported, justified, relevant, timely Does any part of it contradict its claims?
Subtext: HOW-TO SUBTEXT: WHO is pictured in the advertisement? What is their background? gender, religion, race, class educational history, ethnicity, socio-economic status? Why are the subjects women? or men, gay or straight people Latinos, Asians, Hawaiians Jews, Arabs, Russians, …
Subtext: HOW-TO SUBTEXT: What type of LIFESTYLE is it demonstrating, condoning, and/or exploiting? What –isms does it foster or rely on? age-ism, sexism racism, feminism multiculturalism
Subtext: HOW-TO SUBTEXT: What types of VALUES, BELIEFS, MORALS, and/or ATTITUDES does it suggest or imply? not necessarily in an overt way perhaps hidden (“between the lines”)
Subtext: HOW-TO In essence, “read between the lines.” What is it saying without saying it? Do not be afraid to go too far.