Facts and Misconception Homosexuality Facts and Misconception
The Case for Gay Marriage Homosexuality and Gay Marriage
The Third Way
Quiz Questions Not everyone who experience Same Sex Attraction generally wants to live the “gay lifestyle.” There are many who accept their Homosexuality but still wants to live according to the teachings of the Church. How realistic, in your opinion, is this “Gay Christian Lifestyle” might be in the climate of today’s society? What advice might you give devout Christians who experience Same Sex Attraction? A critic of contraception wrote: The “contraceptive mentality” has contributed to the many sexually related problems of the day. This view insists that there is no necessary connection between sex and having children; it separates what God has joined. This has led to a whirlwind of confusion about the nature and purpose of sexual intimacy as well as about marriage and family. Many treat sex lightly and frivolously; they falsely think that sex can be without consequences. As we have seen played out in the recent news, many men no longer see women as wives, mothers, and persons to be respected, but as sexual objects to be exploited.” Do you agree with this author’s assessment that one of the contributing factors that has led to the objectification of women is the “contraceptive mentality?” Why or why not?
Statement from Bishop’s Conference, 1990 “The distinction between being homosexual, and doing homosexual genital actions, while not always clear and convincing, is helpful and important one when dealing with the complex issue of homosexuality, particularly in educational and pastoral arena (USCCB, Human Sexuality, #56)
Homosexuality is Genetic Neurological Studies since 1990’s to 2015: Simon LeVay’s – hypothalamus study Bailey and Pillard’s -- study on twins and brothers Dean Hamer’s – homosexual brothers No single study provide any innate origin for homosexual orientation While studies suggest that genetics does play a role in homosexuality, there is no scientific consensus that gene’s are the sole cause. (cf. CCC, 2357). Dr. Dennis McFadden (University of Texas): Any human behavior is going to be the result of complex intermingling of genetics and environment. It would be astonishing if that were not true of homosexuality.” (The Charlotte Observer)
Homosexuality is a Choice Yes and no – those who experience homosexual attractions do not choose their sexual feelings any more than those who experience heterosexual attractions. Is it morally sinful to be attracted to the same sex? The Catholic Church believes that sexual feelings are the result of a complex psychosexual dynamic that involves the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and behavioral components. Psychosexual development years can affect sexual identity. Homosexual attraction may not be a choice. Homosexual behavior is a choice.
People with homosexual attractions should accept themselves for who they are Those who have homosexual attractions cannot deny the existence of their feelings, but who they are is much deeper than what they feel – they are first and foremost God’s child. Labels such as gay, lesbian, straight, bi etc. are reductionist terms because they assume that sexual feelings are the sole determining factor of a person’s identity. (CCC, 2358)
Letter to the Bishops of the World, Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith “It is deplorable that homosexual persons have been and are the object of violent malice in speech, or in action. Such treatment deserves condemnation from the Church’s pastors whenever it occurs.”
USCCB, Human Sexuality “We call on all Christians and citizens of goodwill to confront their own fears about homosexuality and to curb the humor and discrimination that offend homosexual persons. We understand that having a homosexual orientation bring with it enough anxiety, pain, and issues related to self acceptance without society adding additional prejudicial treatment.”
Psychology no longer considers homosexuality to be a mental illness In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association removed homosexuality from its list of mental disorders because of political pressure. There remains no consensus from psychologists on whether it should or not be considered a mental disorder
Changing homosexuality is impossible Difficult but not always impossible. There are documented cases of men and women whose sexual feelings have changed from predominantly homosexual to predominantly heterosexual. Reparative Therapy
There is nothing wrong with two men and women loving each other All are encourage to be in a healthy and loving relationship/friendship – not necessarily sexual. Friendships with the same sex can help form sexual identity and promote healthy lifestyle. (CCC, 2359) Psychology has shown that homosexual drives are often results of broken sexual identity which came as results of difficult relationships with parents and peers.
Some final thoughts Not everybody who is “gay” or “lesbian” are sexually active nor desire to be. We should not have double-standards for homosexual or heterosexual promiscuous behavior. There is always room for candid and respectful discussions with those who disagree. We condemn all forms of discrimination and reverse discrimination – just like calling someone faggot, dyke, or fairy, cliquishness and calling people who disagree as homophobes or bigots does not foster mutual dialogue, respect, and understanding. While not always, “coming-out” is often associated with “acting-out.” Family and friends may need time to process and work through their issues when someone “comes-out.” All of us are sexual beings who struggle with our sexuality – drives, desires, loneliness, orientation, and self-identity.