Party Balance GOVT 2305, Module 9.


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Presentation transcript:

Party Balance GOVT 2305, Module 9

Democrats hold the White House. Presidency Barack Obama, a Democrat, won the 2012 presidential election with 332 electoral votes to 206 for Mitt Romney. The popular vote was 51 percent to 48 percent. Democrats hold the White House.

Republicans control Congress. In 2015-2016, the Senate contained 54 Republicans and 44 Democrats, with two independents who normally align with the Democrats. The House included 247 Republicans and 188 Democrats. Republicans control Congress. Divided government What do we call it when one party holds the presidency and the other controls Congress?

Party Strength at the State Level Governors 31 governors are Republican 18 governors are Democrats 1 independent governor State Legislatures 30 state legislatures are controlled by Republicans 11 state legislatures are controlled by Democrats 8 state legislatures are split between the two parties Republicans are stronger than Democrats at the state level.

Concept of Party ID Do you consider yourself a Republican, Democrat, or an independent? (If independent, do you lean more to the Democratic Party or the Republican Party?) Sept. 2016 27 % Republican 32 % Democrat 40 % Independents With Leaners 44 % Republican 49 % Democrat

Voting Patterns 2012 Election

Gender Obama Romney Male (47 %) 45 % 52 % Female (53 %) 55 % 44 % Differences in opinion and voting behavior between men and women is known as . . . . The gender gap Why are there more women than men voters? Women are more numerous and less likely to be convicted felons.

Race/Ethnicity Obama Romney White (72 %) 39 % 59 % Black (13 %) 93 % 6 % Latino (10 %) 71 % 27 % Asian (3 %) 73 % 26 % Other (2 %) 58 % 38 % Should Democrats or Republicans be more concerned about the above data? Why? Republicans should be concerned because the fastest growing racial/ethnic groups are voting Democratic.

Republicans because most young voters backed the Democrat. Age Obama Romney 18-24 (11 %) 60 % 36 % 25-29 (8 %) 38 % 30-39 (17 %) 55 % 42 % 40-49 (20 %) 48 % 50 % 50-64 (28 %) 47 % 52 % 65 + (16 %) 44 % 56 % Should Democrats or Republicans be more concerned about the above data? Why? Republicans because most young voters backed the Democrat.

Family income Obama Romney < $50 K (41 %) 60 % 38 % $50–$100 K (31 %) 46 % 52 % > $100 K (28 %) 44 % 54 %

Education Obama Romney No high school (3 %) 64 % 35 % High school grad (21 %) 51 % 48 % Some college (29 %) 49 % College grad (29 %) 47 % Post-grad study (18 %) 55 % 42 %

More Democrats voted than Republicans. Party Identification Obama Romney Democrat (38 %) 92 % 7 % Republican (32 %) 6 % 93 % Independent (29 %) 45 % 50 % What are the key figures in this chart? More Democrats voted than Republicans.

Political Philosophy Obama Romney Liberal (25 %) 86 % 11 % Moderate (41 %) 56 % 41 % Conservative (35 %) 17 % 82 %

Religious Affiliation Catholics Obama Romney Protestant (53 %) 42 % 57 % Catholic (25 %) 50 % 48 % Jewish (2 %) 69 % 30 % Other (7 %) 74 % 23 % None (12 %) 70 % 26 % Which group can be described as a group of swing voters?

U.S. Catholics Disagree with Church

Attendance at Services Obama Romney Weekly (42 %) 39 % 59 % Occasionally (40 %) 55 % 43 % Never (17 %) 62 % 34 % The more often people attend services . . . Is God a Republican? The more likely they are to vote Republican. . .

Lifestyle Obama Romney Married (60 %) 42 % 56 % Single (40 %) 62 % 35 % Gay/lesbian (5 %) 76 % 22 % Straight (95 %) 49 %

What You Have Learned Which party controls the U.S. House? U.S. Senate? Presidency? State governorships? State legislatures? Do more people identify with the Democratic or Republican Party? What is the status of independents? Which demographic groups tend to vote Republican? Which tend to back Democrats?