Kempen University College K.U.Leuven Association
KHK: Ten research groups Energy management Sustainable protection Biomedical technology Animal care Functional nutrition ICT –> k-point Local social en economic strategy Gerontology and geriatrics Education effectivity research Mother and child care
K-point ICT and inclusion ICT for people with mental disabilities ICT help for youngsters with learning problems Design rules for E-inclusion Direct access to test groups
Proposal Social inclusion through social software : WEB2.0 for people with low digital literacy skills Target group: Youngsters with learning difficulties, reading and writing problems, mentally disabled, immigrants with language problems Purpose: Inclusion of this marginalized target group through the support of social software (web2.0), building on existing networks.
Plan State of the art - Current situation Involve stakeholders Enhance existing tools and develop guidelines for more accessibility Language support systems Adaptive interfaces for social software tools Implementation and evaluation of social software in test groups Sustainability
State of the art - Current situation What works? Determination of probable success areas. Available tools and their accessibility Needs, current methods, gap analysis Available target group networks for introduction of web2.0 and dissemination activities Benchmarking tools for social inclusion
Involve stakeholders Build on existing networks for social inclusion Explore existing solutions and possible matches with existing networks Define working models for the use of social software Set up test-groups of end-users in differentiated target groups
Stakeholders Examples Second language training org. School support organizations Drop-out support organizations Leisure organizations – special Olympics... Day care centers Special work placements Special education schools ......
Enhance existing tools and develop guidelines for more accessibility Language support systems Symbol language support symbol based communication symbol translation between symbol sets symbol based interfaces for tools Sign language support avatar sign language support sign language translation Reading software for visually impaired Plain language as the bases for initial communication medium Translation software for EU-countries Adaptive interfaces for social software tools Develop better design guidelines for adapted interfaces Interfaces build on users competences Competence detection system, language settings, communication tools settings…
Implementation/evaluation of social software in test groups Roll out to test groups Training of intermediates Helpdesk Evaluation report - Benchmarks Dissemination Impact measure
Sustainability Network support systems Business plan
Partners profile Well networked to stake holders Experience in e-inclusion Web2.0 experience EU-experience
Contact details Jan Dekelver KHKempen K.U.Leuven Association Kleinhoefstraat 4 2440 Geel Belgium +32 14 562 156