srv is`iKAw AiBAwn AQwrtI rwj p`DrI kuiez mukwblw
mYQ rwaUNf - 1 srv is`iKAw AiBAwn pVHo swry vDo swry
tIm - A c`kr dI sB qoN v`fI jIvw dw nwm d`so? mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 tIm - A c`kr dI sB qoN v`fI jIvw dw nwm d`so? Which is the largest chord of the circle? smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
tIm - B smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 tIm - B cqurBuj dIAW auh do BujwvW , ijnHW iv`c koeI sWJw isKr nhIN huMdw, kI AKvwauNdIAW hn? What are the sides of a quadrilateral called who have no common vertex ? smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
ArD c`kr iv`c bxy kox dw mwp kI huMdw hY ? tIm - C ArD c`kr iv`c bxy kox dw mwp kI huMdw hY ? What is the measure of an angle made in a semicircle ? mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
tIm - D m~ul pqw kro : 20+30+40 Find the Value of : 20 +30+40 mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 tIm - D m~ul pqw kro : 20+30+40 Find the Value of : 20 +30+40 smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
mYN Awpxy sMpUrk kox dw A`Dw hW , myrw mwp d`so? mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 tIm - E mYN Awpxy sMpUrk kox dw A`Dw hW , myrw mwp d`so? What will be my measure if I am an angle half of my supplementary angle? smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
tIm - F smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 tIm - F ie`k vrg dw KyqrPl 169 vrg iekweIAW hY ies dI Bujw dw Gx kI hovygw? Area of a square is 169 square units . What will be the cube of its one side? smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
auh iBMn ijs dw hr 100 Aqy AMS 1 hovy, nMU kI kihMdy hn? mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 tIm - G auh iBMn ijs dw hr 100 Aqy AMS 1 hovy, nMU kI kihMdy hn? What is that fraction called whose denominator is 100 and numerator is 1 ? smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
s``B qoN v`fI irxwqmk sMpUrn sMiKAw mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 tIm - H s``B qoN v`fI irxwqmk sMpUrn sMiKAw ikhVI hY ? Which is the greatest negative integer ? smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
tIm - I 270° nUM ikhVw kox kihMdy hn? mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 tIm - I 270° nUM ikhVw kox kihMdy hn? What is the name of the angle whose measure is 270° ? smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
tIm - J What fraction is 20 seconds, of one minute ? smW smwpq 20 sYikMf,1 imMt dw ikMnHvW Bwg hY? What fraction is 20 seconds, of one minute ? mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
jykr AMikq mu``l Aqy vyc mu``l brwbr hox qW ktOqI ikMnHI hovygI? tIm - K jykr AMikq mu``l Aqy vyc mu``l brwbr hox qW ktOqI ikMnHI hovygI? How much will be the discount if the marked price and the selling price are same ? mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
iqRBuj dy koxW dy smduBwjkW dy sMgwmI ibMdU nMU kI kihMdy hn ? mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 tIm - L iqRBuj dy koxW dy smduBwjkW dy sMgwmI ibMdU nMU kI kihMdy hn ? What is the point of concurrence of angle bisectors of a triangle called ? smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
tIm - M smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 tIm - M auh ikhVI sMiKAw hY ijs dw aultkRm ausy sMiKAw dy brwbr hY ? Which is the number whose reciprocal is equal to the number itself ? smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
How many whole cubes are there between 1 and 100? mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 tIm - N 1 qoN 100 dy ivckwr ikMnHy pUrn Gx hn ,igxqI d`so? How many whole cubes are there between 1 and 100? smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
How many prime numbers are there between 20 and 30 ? mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 tIm - O 20 qoN 30 dy ivckwr ikMnIAW ABwj sMiKAwvW huMdIAW hn ? How many prime numbers are there between 20 and 30 ? smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
c`kr dy pirmwp Aqy c`kr dy ivAws iv`c kI mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 tIm - P c`kr dy pirmwp Aqy c`kr dy ivAws iv`c kI sbMD hY ? What is the relation between circumference and diameter of a circle? smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
What is the coefficient tIm - Q 15 x3y3z iv`c x3 dw guxWk kI hY ? What is the coefficient of x3 in 15 x3y3z ? mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
ijhVy ibMdU ie`k hI srl ryKw qy hox aunHW ibMdUAW nMU kI ikhw jWdw hY? tIm - R ijhVy ibMdU ie`k hI srl ryKw qy hox aunHW ibMdUAW nMU kI ikhw jWdw hY? What do you call the points which lie on the same straight line ? mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
What is the range of first eight even numbers? tIm - S pihlIAW 8 ijsq sMiKAwvW dI ivclx sImw d`so? What is the range of first eight even numbers? mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
tIm - T Find HCF of 3x2 and 9xy. smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 tIm - T 3x2 Aqy 9xy dw m.s.v pqw kro Find HCF of 3x2 and 9xy. smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
do lwgvyN kox ryKI joVw bxwauNdy hn[dovNy koxW dw joV kI hovygw? tIm - U do lwgvyN kox ryKI joVw bxwauNdy hn[dovNy koxW dw joV kI hovygw? If two adjacent angles form a linear pair then what will be sum of these angles ? smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq
tIm - V smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq ie`k AwdmI ie`k GMty iv`c 14 m`CIAW PVdw hY[14 AwdmI 14 GMitAW iv`c ikMnIAW m`CIAW PVngy ? A person catches 14 fishes in one hour. How many fishes will be caught in 14 hours by 14 persons ? mYQ kuiez rwaUNf - 1 smW smwpq smW smwpq smW smwpq