Strength Training For Women Mariya Lee Female Gym Goers
What is Strength Training? Definition: Specific training that targets the muscles’ ability to resist force through weights, machines, or body weight Muscle strength is developed through increasing resistance What is Strength Training?
What is Strength Training? Usually anaerobic exercise that targets muscle strength Resistance training with machines or free weights Additionally, can train with only body weight What is Strength Training? Next Slide
General Health Benefits Anaerobic (Low oxygen) training Helps with initial and continued weight loss Bulk: High weight-Low Rep Tone: Low weight-High rep General Health Benefits
General Health Benefits Increased metabolism Kick starts weight loss Body removes toxins much faster Improved bone mineral density Fights osteoporosis General Health Benefits
Possible Negative Effects Injuries: Improper technique causes stress injuries Exhaustion deteriorates already developed muscle Any built muscle is further torn Possible Negative Effects
Possible Negative Effects Muscle imbalance: Only working on the same muscle will develop uneven strength distribution Creates problems in everyday life Short/Long muscles affect posture Possible Negative Effects
Strength Training Myths 1) “I will look bulky” 2) “It makes me feel unfeminine” 3) “I need strict cardio to lose weight” Strength Training Myths
Myth 1 Busted Bulkiness only develops through high weight training Low weight-High rep develops lean muscle tone Women are physically not as predisposed as men to get the “bulky” look Myth 1 Busted
Myth 2 Busted Strength training is not only for men Femininity is only a mental concept You do not lose the feeling of femininity just because of strength training Myth 2 Busted
Myth 3 Busted Weight Loss Lean/bulky muscle tone Beneficial to total workout Weight loss Lean muscle tone Beneficial to total workout Strength Training Cardio Very Similar Myth 3 Busted
Health Benefits for Women Helps with daily tasks Lifting up a toddler for mothers Lifting boxes or helps with heavy labor Allows development of proper technique to avoid injury Health Benefits for Women
Health Benefits For Women Muscle development Development of more fat using body cells Additional bone density guarantees a better senior adult life Osteoporosis risks(brittle bones) are much higher for women Health Benefits For Women
Strength Training Ex: Arms Free weight/body weight exercise Bicep curls with low weight Bench dips for triceps Strength Training Ex: Arms
Strength Training Ex: Shoulders and Chest Military press Dumbbell front raise Chest: Bench press Dips for chest Strength Training Ex: Shoulders and Chest
Strength Training : Abs Dumbbell Push-up row Plank-30s or more Strength Training : Abs
Strength Training : Back Barbell dead-lift Wide grip pull-up Strength Training : Back
Strength Training : Legs Barbell Squat Benefits whole leg Leg curl Hamstrings targeted Strength Training : Legs
strength training. (n. d. ) Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition strength training. (n.d.) Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. (2009). Retrieved October 3 2016 from Sources