Fitt/Theories/Muscular ENDURANCE Corning union high school physical education
Muscular ENDURANCE Definition: The ability to contract the muscles many times without tiring or the ability to hold one contraction for an extended period. It is measured by increasing repetitions or time with the same load.
STRENGTH TRAINING TERMINOLOGY Repetitions- Number of times an exercise is completed without a break. Sets- The number of groups of repetitions of a particular exercise. Example: 3 Sets of 8 repetitions Rest-The time necessary for muscle to recover after periods of overload ( A SET). Load- the amount of weight lifted for each repetition. Isometric- When there is tension in the muscle, but no change in the muscle length. Concentric- When the muscle shortens during contraction. Eccentric-When the muscle lengthens during contraction.
FITT FITT stands for: F- Frequency I- Intensity Time T- T- Type
Frequency F-Frequency: How often? Frequency answers the question “how often an activity is performed” Examples: 3 days a week, 5 days a week
Intensity I-Intensity: How hard? Intensity answers the question “how hard is the person working?” & How heavy is the load and for how long? Examples: body weight, 20 pound weights, 50 lbs., add time
Time T-Time: How long? How many sets and repetitions (reps) Time for Muscular Strength answers the question “how many sets and reps or time for each exercise?” Examples: 2 sets of 10 repetitions ( 2 x 10), 2 sets of 30 seconds (2 x 30s)
Type T-Type: What kind ?: Type answers the question “what kind of activities is the person doing”
3 Fitness Theories Theory of Progression Slowly adding to your program * Progressive resistance (slowly adding weight) *Adding 1-2 repetitions *Adding small amount of time to your workout * Adding 5 lbs. at a time * After 6 weeks add another set *After 6 weeks add another day during the week
3 Fitness Theories Theory of Overload Increase the weight by 5 lbs. Doing more than usual Increase the weight by 5 lbs. Add another set Adding Repetitions or Time with the same weight to your set Add another day of lifting during the week
3 Fitness Theories Theory of Specificity Completing certain activities to enhance a certain component of fitness * Lifting BW to 75% of your one repetition maximum * Low weight & High repetitions *Increasing repetitions or time
The target is what you are aiming for as you become more experienced Threshold/Target The threshold is the starting point, like the “threshold” or entryway of a door The target is what you are aiming for as you become more experienced
MUSCULAR ENDURANCE Definition: The ability of a muscle to exert force (contract muscles) many times without tiring.he ability of a duce one time. Frequency: Threshold: 3 days per week Target: Every other day Intensity: *BW to 75% of your maximum effort. *Lift low weight with higher repetitions. *Loads increased gradually (Progression-Progressive Resistance) Time: 1 to 3 Sets of 10 reps or 15 seconds 3 or more sets of 10 to 20 repetitions or 30 seconds or more Type: * Body Weight Exercises *Weight Training (free weights, resistance machines) * Using weighted objects.
Types of MUSCULAR ENDURANCe workouts
WEEKS SEVEN, EIGHT, AND NINE WEEKS ONE, TWO, AND THREE Monday Wednesday Friday Exercise Load Sets Repetitions Squats BW-bodyweight 2 10-12 / 15s BW 2 X 4 2 x 10-12 / 15s Push-ups Split Squats Front Pedestal 30 sec. 2 x 30s WEEKS FOUR, FIVE, AND SIX Monday Wednesday Friday Exercise Load Sets Repetitions Squats BW-bodyweight 2 12-14/ 20s BW 2 X 5 2 x 12-14/ 20s Push-ups Split Squats Front Pedestal 35 sec. 2 x 35 sec. WEEKS SEVEN, EIGHT, AND NINE Monday Wednesday Friday Exercise Load Sets Repetitions Squats BW-bodyweight 3 10-12 / 15s BW 3 X 4 3 X 10-12 / 15s Push-ups 3 X 4 3 x 10-12 / 15s Split Squats Front Pedestal 30 sec. 3x 40sec. 3 x 40 sec.
SIMILARITIES: COMPARING MUSCULAR STRENGTH & MUSCULAR ENDURANCE *Both have sets and reps. *Both have similar exercises. . *Both have loads *Both exert force *Both use eccentric and concentric contractions *Both use Progressive Resistance *Both have the same Frequency threshold *Both use Progression, Overload, and Specificity to get the best results.
DIFFERENCES: COMPARING MUSCULAR STRENGTH & MUSCULAR ENDURANCE *Force exertion: MS – 1 x/ ME- many times *Target: MS – Every other day/ 5-6 days *Intensity: MS- Heavy Weight/ ME-Low Weight *Intensity: MS- Fewer Reps 1-8/ ME- High Reps- 10-20 or more *Time: MS- 1-8 Reps/ ME- 10-20 or more-Amount of time. *Rest periods (recovery is longer for Muscular Strength).