The Expertise You Need TO SELL Mina Patel 203.589.3778
OUTLINE We work for you / With you Experience and Expertise Marketing Why should you work with an expert REALTOR® We work for you / With you Experience and Expertise Marketing Tools to Sell/Buy Measurable results
TRUSTED RESOURCE I work for you and communicate constantly throughout the process I give advice based on my experience, but YOU make the final decisions Working with an agent helps you make More informed decisions You would use a doctor to fix a Broken bone Why try to buy or sell a house on your own?
EXPERTISE Don’t know where to start to not just list your home but actually get it SOLD? I will guide you step by step Never worry about getting things such as Inspections/appraisals/warranties being scheduled or ordered Not crossing your T’s and dotting your I’s in contracts Filling out all paperwork Illegally misleading potential buyers with false information A marketing plan targeted specifically to buyers for your home
MARKETING Your home is seen in more places, online, social media Professional photography Youtube video for your home Facebook ads Open house Website for your listing, plus be published to all top real estate websites In-house promotion at largest local real estate brokerage 24 hour phone information system I pay for advertising Brochures provided Recognizable signage
RESULTS It is proven that sellers get more from their house when working with an established agent Sell your home for more when priced and marketed properly Sell your home faster Networking and connections to recommend services to you such as painters, carpet cleaners, etc..
MEASURABLES 83% of buyers use a real estate agent Over 90% of buyers search online 87% would use the same agent in the future 88% of sellers are assisted by agents 28% of sellers take no action to market their home 56% of sellers did not offer incentives to attract buyers 23% of sellers reported that getting the price right was the most difficult task Sell for more by reaching the largest possible qualified audience with potential interest in your home Statistics courtesy of National Association of REALTORS® Buyers and Sellers Profile
MINA PATEL A Member of the Top Brokerage in Northern, IN Specializing in Coordinating Your Sale Through and Beyond Closing Communication Customer Service Marketing Negotiating