National Employment Team (NET) Talent Acquisition Portal (TAP) Vocational Rehabilitation USBLN 2014
NET: Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR) Membership organization of VR Directors 80 agencies: every state, territories, D.C. Federal/State Funded – U.S. Department of Ed. 25,000 staff One million people with disabilities per year Partnered with the VA-VR&E, AIR Largest talent pool of people with disabilities Supported by VR leadership and Business Consultants Vendor Network of 10,000 Community Partners
NET: We Asked Business Customers National in Scope - VR as One Company Dual Customer Model Customer Driven Network Build relationships and trust The NET: Build a National Infrastructure Easily Accessible Network 80 VR Points of Contact – Business Consultants Strategic Alliances and Partnerships USBLN, NILG, OPM Leverage the Strengths of a National System Ability to Deliver at the National, State and Local Level Based on the Needs and Footprint of the Business Customer
The NET: VR Business Services Defined by Business Customers Pre-Employment Internships Training HR/Staffing Recruitment & Promotion Benefits & Compensation Retention Supports Employee Advisory Services Accommodations Work Site Assessment Assistive Technology Staff Training Disability Awareness ADAAA/Employment Laws Financial Supports WOTC Barrier Removal Universal Design Contracts Facilities Programs/Services Assistive Technology Information Technology Diversity Programs Compliance Support Legal Labor Relations Policy Development Risk Management Product Development Customer Service Marketing & Outreach
Business Based Training Program Training Partner: Hands on Education Trainees: 18 years of age or older, documented disABILITY, able to perform functions of job; no Felonies within past 7 years; no HS Diploma or GED is required 910 graduates – 250 hired by Hyatt + those hired by other businesses in the hospitality industry FL (8), DC/MD/VA (3), CO (3), PA, MO, TX (9) New: WA (3), CA (5), HI, Guam next phase
Federal Contractor Partnership Agreement with the Lowe’s Companies Strategic Plan – business operations: corporate, retail and distribution Build an internal team Current Models Job and site analysis Four tiered approach: competitive, assisted or transitional employment, pre-training with supports, retention Year 1: 556 hires at corporate, retail and distribution centers States: AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, IL, IN, IA, LA, MD, MA, MI, MN, MO, MS, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, SC, TX, UT, VT, VA WA, WI, WY
Talent Acquisition Portal®
Candidates: Create Profile/Resume
Let employers see your Profile on TAP, and you print out your resume!
Search Jobs
Apply for Jobs
Participate in Job Fairs/Interviews
Employers: Establish an Account The employer home page will list active jobs the current employer has, jobs that will be expiring within the next 7 days, and job credits available to them to post jobs. Jobs can only be posted with credits. 1 Job credit= 1 Job post. Packages of 1, 5, and 10 Jobs are available, as well as unlimited monthly or unlimited subscriptions.
Posting Jobs to TAP Based on the need of an employer, posting a job can be done manually, or automated through our API. Job scraping is available upon request, but jobs can be automatically taken from your career page if necessary to the portal. In order to post a job, you must purchase job credits, or a subscription.
View Candidate Resumes By clicking on the candidate name with unique ID #, an employer will be brought to a candidate’s resume. Here, an employer can see a candidate’s profile as it relates to employment.
Job Metrics Job metrics include individual job metrics about a job was posted, when it expires, how many times it was viewed, and how many candidates (individuals with disabilities) applied for the job posted. Graphs and analytics will also be provided that will help an employer capture appropriate metrics for compliance based on the total number of jobs, applies, and views in the system. Reports can also be generated with this information.
Compliance Reports Compliance reports can be generated at any time by a business or organization who is using TAP. The compliance report can be generated by month and year. Included in the compliance report is the employers name, month/year of the report, total jobs posted in the month, total job views in the month, total applications in the month, and total hires in the month. Below the stats, there will be a section that includes the information about a job posted that resulted in a hire.
“Live Chat” (Interviews, Job Fairs, educational ) By creating a “Live Chat” or clicking “Create New Chat Room” employers can title the room and give a topic for discussion. Once the room is created, an employer can send the “Share URL” link to a candidate or multiple candidates for an interview. Anyone who is a member of the Talent Acquisition Portal® community that has this link can join this “Live Chat”. Employers can also use this “Live Chat” function to hold Online Job Fairs. Contacting TAP to set up industry related job fairs, or company related job fairs at the national, state, or local level can be done. VR Counselors and Staff can also create “Live Chats” and invite candidates, or employers to join in regards to educational topics, or connecting to employers in other ways. Under “Who’s Online” a list of everyone who is in the chat room will appear here. “Download Transcript (PDF)” allows an employer to print off a PDF of the discussion for their records, which will include who said what, and the date it was said. This “Live Chat” will also be stored in the “Discussions” section in the Navigation Bar.
Branding to the Community Each employer has their “Account Settings” where they can fill out information about their organization. Whenever a Candidate, or VR Counselor or Staff selects the employer’s name, they will be taken to the Company Career Page of the Employer in TAP. Here, every job posted by the employer will appear. Employer’s can also designate their Company’s Website, Twitter, and Facebook Account. Employer’s can also select a logo that they would like to be used on TAP. *****Employers also have the unique opportunity to “Prevent candidates and counselors from contacting you via direct message” on each Company Career Page in TAP, there will be a “Message” that allows VR to contact you directly, if you want to prevent this, simply click “Yes”. By clicking “Yes” an employer will still be able to contact VR, but VR will not be able to initiate contact with an employer.*****
Recruiter Access
TAP - Gold Award for Innovation Talent Acquisition Portal TAP into Talent 2014 Recruiting Service Innovation Awards (ReSi) International Association of Employment Web Sites SHRM Award Banquet /2014-resis-winners- named?xg_source=activity
Contact Us: Kathy West-Evans Kristopher Corso Director of Business Relations National Employment Team (NET) Talent Acquisition Portal® Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation (CSAVR) 206.999.9455 (Office/Cell) Program Manager Talent Acquisition Portal® disABLEDperson, Inc. 760-470-9620