EUROSTAT Unit B3 IT for statistical production Ewa Stacewicz EDIT Data Validation System for the BoP (Balance of Payments) Statistics EUROSTAT Unit B3 IT for statistical production Ewa Stacewicz Luxembourg, 2nd of June 2015
EDIT as a part of the ESS EDIT is the statistical data validation software used for the validation services provided by EUROSTAT EDIT was selected as a base of the validation service for the implementation of several projects under the ESS.VIP Programme Some statistics: EDIT is used at Eurostat in 27 statistical domains EDIT is used by the Member States and other institutions in 13 statistical domains ESS Vision 2020 Implementation Portfolio
EDIT use in Member States EDIT Domains used by the Member States: BoP ITS – International Trade in Services BoP FDI – Foreign Direct Investment ASYLUM statistics TOURISM statistics SBS – Structural Business Statistics Business Demography FSS - Farm Structure Survey EHSIS - European Health and Social Inclusion Survey …
Advantages of using EDIT by Member States Validation is performed "at the beginning" of the production process (the sooner, the better), by the data provider (NSIs) All MSs are using the same, agreed data validation rules The validation done by MS has positive impact on the whole business process – the workload and data exchanges between MSs and Eurostat are reduced considerably Both sides (Eurostat and MSs) have more time to concentrate on data analysis
EDIT Introduction Data validation and editing tool Allowing users to: import data run validation programs browse or export validation results Friendly web-based User Interface Available as a standalone application – can be installed locally on the user's PC and serve for the validation of confidential data 5
User Workflow Data Import Job Execution Job Results 6
EDIT local version for the BoP Statistics Download from CIRCABC Easy deployment All components running locally on the user’s machine Local authentication 7
User Module Functionality Change Password Allows users to change their password Dataset Import/Export Allows users to import and export data to and from the System as well as monitor any ongoing import/export processes Job Execution Allows users to execute programs on imported datasets and view the results of the execution 8
Validation types for BoP data As far: File Structure (number of fields, mandatory fields, length, data types) – executed at the data import step Intra-dataset checks correctness of codes - code lists integrity checks – breakdowns Enhancements planned in 2015: Separate reports for each set of integrity rules (grouped by dimensions) For integrity rules - the difference and the ratio will be shown in the error report along with an error info Completeness check in some dimensions
User interface – Data Import (simplified) Predefined Import Templates
User interface – Data Import User can adjust manually the file properties
User interface – Create Job User can overwrite the default values User selects a file for validation
User Interface – Error report Statistics
User Interface – View Error report
Error report – export to a CSV file
More info on EDIT EDIT webinars: 14 October 2015 registration via For next webinars please check the section Editing & Validation Events on:
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION I want to use it! You can contact the validation support team of EDIT at: 17 17