Instructions Example pitch deck – Enterprise Fellowships This is an example pitch deck showing topics you can include. We ask that you use 5-10 slides to showcase your innovation, the market opportunity and business model, to complement the rest of your application to the scheme. We recommend using pictures, charts, and infographics to make this a visual representation.
Problem What is the need / market pull? Who is the customer What ‘job’ is the customer doing What goal are they trying to achieve What ‘pain’ do they experience
Solution What is your technology? How does it alleviate the ‘pain’? How does it help achieve their goal? Why is it effective? Include photos/video of the product at work
Market opportunity How large is the market? 2018 2020 2022 2024 ££ £££ ££££ How large is the market? What segment are you targeting? How will you reach them? What is your pricing strategy? How will you scale?? 2m 22m
Business Model/business model canvas How will you generate revenue? What is your pricing strategy? Who are you targeting (B2B/B2C), through what channels? How do will you scale? What resources and partnerships do you need the sales potential? Consider using a Business model canvas.
Supply chain/ecosystem Where does your company sit in the supply chain? How does value flow between the parties? How does your product reach its end user? New company Consumer Direct sales Retailer Supplier Distributer Maintenance Logistics
Competition How is your IP protected? Who are your competitors? How is your product better/how does it compare? Transporter X Reliability Affordability My company Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Price Speed Ease of use
Team Who is the team? What are their roles? What expertise do they each bring? What are you lacking?
Timeline / Investment Grow What stage are you currently at? What are your next milestones? What do you need to do to achieve them? What will you use the funding for? Q1 2018 Q3 2018 Q1 2019 Q3 2019 Funding Prototype User trials Launch product UK Grow