What’s Trending in Transition? Director’s Meeting November 2015 Sandye Cox Transition/AGC Consultant 972-348-1754 sandye.cox@region10.org
Upcoming Face to Face Trainings Tuesday, January 19, 2016- New Transition Specialist 9:00-4:00 SV/Grayson Tuesday, February 23, 2016 - Texas Transition 9:00-4:00 Abrams/Mockingbird Wednesday, March 2, 2016- Leaving a Clear Trail 9:00-4:00 Abrams/Mockingbird Tuesday, March 29, 2016- SPP Indicator 13 Training 9:00-12:00 Abrams/Mockingbird Friday, June 17, 2016- Leaving a Clear Trail 9:00-4:00 Abrams/Pecan Wednesday, July 13, 2016- Leaving a Clear Trail 9:00-4:00 Abrams/Bluebonnet
New Online Trainings Region 11 online training: http://transitionintexas.training.reliaslearning.com/ Review courses available Essentials for a Special Education Work-Based Learning Program www.esc11.net CTE Work-Based Learning Course http://www.teawbltraining.org/course/view.php?id=2
Additional Trainings NTACT Webinars- monthly opportunities- 2nd Thursday of the month from 2:00-3:00 (Eastern) Areas addressed: rigorous academic preparation, career- related curricula, quality secondary transition planning and services, strategies to reduce dropout and increase gradation, and data driven decision making. http://www.transitionta.org/
Upcoming Dates Live the Dream- South 10:00-2:00 November 14, 2015 at Bessie Coleman MS in Cedar Hill Live the Dream- North 9:00-1:00 February 20, 2015 at Poteet HS in Mesquite Connecting the Dots 10:00-2:00 February 20, 2015 at Hilton Garden Hotel Denison Live the Dream- East 11:00-2:30 February 27, 2015 at Utley Middle School in Rockwall
More Dates to Know Parent Graduation/Transition Training- Sandye Cox January 12, 2016- Region 10- Abrams/Pecan from 6:00-7:30 p.m. Texas Transition Conference February 18-19, 2016- Westin Hotel in Dallas TAVAC 40th Anniversary Conference July 26 - 28, 2016- Hyatt Regency Downtown Houston
CTE Information Districts may use the CTE course codes when providing instruction to students with severe disabilities as long as they do not submit these courses for CTE-weighted funding. If the course is taught by a CTE-certified teacher, CTE funding may be available. September 2, 2014 TETN #21030- Brent Pitt TEA
Innovative Courses College Transition General Employability Skills For both courses: Texas Teacher Certification is sufficient. No additional certifications required to teach either course. These courses already have TEKS and are TEA approved. You have to get your district to approve these courses before you can begin using them. These would count for state credit electives for our students…not CTE credits though for these two specific courses.
TAC 231 Chart 10 14 2015
Transition Designee and Texas Employment Guide Most districts have identified the Transition Employment Designee (TED) on the Legal Framework. Only a few have added a link to the Texas Employment Guide (TEG)to their Special Education website or webpage. Some did add a link to the (TEG), but it is a broken link that goes nowhere.
STEP # 3 http://www.transitionintexas.org/ FILL IN ALL BLANKS AND CLICK TO SAVE
STEP # 4- Check both Icons
Opportunity for all LEAs University of Kansas Development and Validation of the Self-Determination Inventory Survey Handout with contact information available- I am happy to email it to you~