Welcome to Kindergarten Meet The Teacher Night Miss Blake, Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. Castellanos, Extended K Teacher
Introduce staff Miss Blake Mrs. Castellanos 20 years in special education 5 years in Kindergarten Mrs. Castellanos Kindergarten Teacher 7 years Reading Specialist
ALLERGY ALERT Kindergarten Nut and Latex allergies NO BALLOONS ALLOWED ON CAMPUS Please DO NOT send pencils or erasers to school in your child’s backpack.
Drop Off and Pick Up Please use the crosswalk in the center of the north parking area to cross from the parking lot to the sidewalk. Please do NOT park along the curb area and leave your car. If you need to leave your car, please use the parking lot. Pick up students at the Kindergarten playground gate. Please wait there for students to be dismissed.
Classroom Management Students are responsible for their own choices Praise and tangible rewards Treat others with respect Do your BEST work Classroom rules PBIS
Folder Information Homework calendar – no more than 5-10 minutes PRIZES AT END OF MONTH 4/5 days of homework done each week (signed) Behavior – no note is GOOD (green bear) Yellow and red bears noted in behavior calendar
Daily Schedule Regular schedule: 8:15-11:00 and 12:15 to 3:00 EARLY RELEASE: 8:15-9:45 and 10:05-11:35 Playground gates open at 8:10 and 12:10 Breakfast starts at 8:00 am No students allowed on campus prior to 8 am and they must be in the cafeteria between 8:00 and 8:10 am.
Systems Approach Assess prior knowledge (pre test) Set learning goals and steps to achieve those goals Teach/learn Assess (post test) Reteach / reassess if necessary
Mission Statement 100% of kindergarten students will be ready for first grade by May, 2013 by:
State Common Core Standards Overview and explanation for parents of the state standards and what your child will be learning in reading and math: http://www.azed.gov/standards-practices/files/2011/10/kefeb4.pdf
Learning Goals First Semester: Name 52 letters of the alphabet Tell 31 sounds for the letters of the alphabet Read introduced sight words Count objects to 10 in a scattered pattern Count objects to 20 in a line Label shapes and solid figures
Learning Goals Second Semester: Blend and segment CVC words Tell words that rhyme with a given word Count to 100 by ones and tens Add and subtract fluently to 5 Tell and act out subtraction and addition stories
Individual Learning Goals Used first sememster In folder pockets every 3-4 weeks Individualized based on student needs Targets specific reading and math skills students need to practice
Reading Curriculum New curriculum: Reading Street Aligned with the new Common Core State Standards
Further Information Kindergarten web site has all the information you need to know including the complete parent information packet Suggestions for activities at home to support instruction Communication with teachers PTSA
What is Desert Wind’s K.E.E.P? K.E.E.P stands for Kindergarten Extended Enrichment Program. Extended Day Kindergarten is a literacy rich academic program with a math and science focus aimed to promote the growth of your child academically, socially, and emotionally. Our early childhood certified teachers utilize state of the art technology, innovative teaching practices, and authentic learning opportunities! The K.E.E.P curriculum follows the standards set forth by the Arizona State Department Of Education. 2012-2013 This year Extended Day Kindergarten will be held in the afternoon. Your child will eat lunch in the cafeteria before beginning his/her afternoon session. Current tuition is $235.00/mo. & is tax credit eligible!