Religion and Ethics 1. Does morality depend on religion? 2. Is religious ethics different from secular ethics?
What is holiness? Being holy. Doing what is dear to the gods.
Euthypho’s Dilemma: “Do the gods love holiness because it is holy, or is it holy because the gods love it?” - Socrates in Plato’s Euthyphro
Divine Command Theory: The good is that which God wills or commands. compare with . . . God commands that which is good.
1. Morality originates with God. 2. Moral rightness means willed by God; moral wrongness means being against the will of God. 3. Morality is based on divine will, not on independent reasons for acting.
Objections: Could God will just anything to be good?
Reply: God’s will is always good. Objection: The good = that which God wills. God’s will = the good. Thus, the good is the good.
Abraham and Isaac If God commanded you to kill your philosophy professor, would you do it?
Things God Can’t Do:
If God did not exist, then everything is permitted. - Dostoevsky
State Unsolved Murder Rate 1. District of Columbia 56.1% 2. Illinois 55.4% 3. Maryland 46.1% 4. New York 44.0% 5. California 43.9%
Do moral principles override nonmoral principles? The Gauguin Case: Should he have abandoned his family to fulfill his dream?
Would it be wrong if everyone agreed to permanent sterilization? The Posterity Problem Would it be wrong if everyone agreed to permanent sterilization?
The Problem of Evil:
The Problem of Evil Existence of God vs. Existence of suffering Types of evil: Moral Natural
The Argument from Evil God is all-loving, perfectly good. God is omniscient. God is omnipotent. Evil exists. If God (1-3) exists, there would be no evil. Therefore, God does not exist.
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --Epicurus
Theodicy: the attempt to justify God's permitting evil to occur in the world
Theodicy: the attempt to justify God's permitting evil to occur in the world The Greater Goods Defense: Evil exists because it is necessary to achieve a greater good. Evil and suffering needed for “soul-making”
Theodicy: the attempt to justify God's permitting evil to occur in the world The Greater Goods Defense: Evil exists because it is necessary to achieve a greater good. Evil and suffering needed for “soul-making” The Free Will Defense: God could not create creatures who have freedom of will but are incapable of doing evil
The Natural Order Defense In order for there to be free choices, there has to be a stable, reliable order of natural cause and effect C. S. Lewis: The Problem of Pain
Evil is a punishment. Evil is justified because of the Fall. Evil is caused by the devil. Evil is justified by appealing to the afterlife. Evil is a way of testing one’s faith.