Name Me Please
Cell Song Every Single Cell in my Body is happy Cell Song Every Single Cell in my Body is happy. Every Single Cell in my Body is well. (2X) I thank you Lord, I feel so good. Every Single Cell in my Body is well.
The Cell
Definition of Terms What is a Cell? Organism – any living thing It is the building blocks of life. Remember That all living organisms are made up of cells.
Who Discovered The Cell The cell was discovered by Robert Hooke (1965 – 1703) an English scientist. He looked at a piece of cork under a microscope and saw hallow spaces with walls around them. He then called the hallow spaces cells.
The Kinds of Cell Prokaryotic Cells – are one celled organisms. Its has no nucleus, such as the bacteria. Eukaryotic Cells – are the true cells. It has a visible nucleus, a good example of these are the body cells.
Examples of Prokaryotic Cells
Examples of Eukaryotic Cells
Activity 1 Copy and Answer: Write (1) if the given is a prokaryotic cell and (2) it the given is a eukaryotic cell. Amoeba ___ Sperm cell ___ Muscle cell ___ Euglena ___ Egg cell ___
Evaluation 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. _______ are the building blocks of life. It has two kinds the __________ and __________. It was discovered by an English scientist named ______________ using a ____________ which magnified a piece of cork.
Give 3 examples of eukaryotic cells and 2 prokaryotic cells. Assignment 1: Give 3 examples of eukaryotic cells and 2 prokaryotic cells.