Anaerobic Respiration Developing: Recap aerobic respiration Secure: Describe anaerobic respiration with word equations. Exceeding: Compare aerobic and an anaerboic respiration. Entrance Activity Which animal do you think can dive for the longest? Tool Box – Key Words Aerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration Lactic acid Oxygen debt Entrance Music
Learning Activity Arrange these organisms in order of length of time they are able to hold their breath.
Video Hold your breath!
Anaerobic Respiration Learning Activity Aerobic Respiration Write down a definition for aerobic respiration. (Inc. the word equation) Key Word Alert! Anaerobic Respiration A form of respiration, used to release energy from glucose when oxygen levels are low.
Anaerobic Respiration Recipe Glucose Ethanol + Carbon dioxide Teacher Explanation Anaerobic Respiration Recipe Animals Reactants Products Glucose Lactic Acid Plants Reactants Products Glucose Ethanol + Carbon dioxide
Learning Activity True or False Cut out and arrange the following statements into piles of true and false statements. Once complete, create a summary paragraph on the two different types of respiration. 20 mins
Complete the Aerobic and anaerobic respiration worksheet at home. Homelearning option 1 Complete the Aerobic and anaerobic respiration worksheet at home. Homelearning option 2 Produce a leaflet that can be given to athletes telling them all about the different types of respiration. This should be designed to help athlets perform better in their chosen sport.
Video Exit Music