Pavement Preservation
Pavement Preservation A program employing a network level, long-term strategy that enhances pavement performance by using an integrated, cost-effective set of practices that extend pavement life, improve safety and meet motorist expectations. These practices in general do not increase pavement capacity or strength, but reduce the effects of aging (environmental and traffic loading) and restore serviceability.
Pavement Preservation (continued) An effective pavement preservation program will address pavements while they are still in good condition and before the onset of serious damage. By applying a cost- effective treatment at the right time, the pavement is restored almost to its original condition. “The right treatment to the right road at the right time.”
Pavement Preservation (continued) Combines minor rehabilitation and preventive maintenance practices with routine maintenance activities to reduce the effects the environment and traffic loading have on them, preserving a pavements condition and extending its life. In addition to applying the right treatment on the right road at the right time, improved specifications, applying quality construction practices and using quality materials are also required to achieve success.
Pavement Preservation (continued) Minor (light) rehabilitation Non-structural enhancements made to existing pavement sections to eliminate age-related, top-down surface cracking that develop in flexible pavements due to environmental exposure. Preventive maintenance A planned strategy of cost-effective treatments to an existing roadway system and its appurtenances that preserves the system, retards future deterioration, and maintains or improves the functional condition of the system without significantly increasing the structural capacity. Routine maintenance Work that is planned and performed on a routine (day-to-day) basis to maintain and preserve the condition of the highway system or to respond to specific conditions and events that restore the highway system to an adequate level of service.
Pavement Preservation (continued) Whether a pavement is constructed of asphalt, concrete or a combination of the two (composite), there are a number of preservation and minor rehabilitation options available to slow the effects the environment and traffic loading have on it. Pavement preservation has evolved significantly and today many agencies are managing their pavement proactively. This is accomplished using available management tools with effective pavement analysis and treatment methods to keep pavements in a good condition longer even with tight budgets.
Pavement Preservation (continued) Pavement Preservation – Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements Minor (light) Rehabilitation Mill & Overlay Hot In-place Recycle Cold In-Place Recycle Preventive Maintenance Fog Seal Rejuvenator Seal Scrub Seal Slurry Seal Routine Maintenance Pothole Fill Crack Fill/Seal Crack Seal Cold Central Plant Recycle Full Depth Reclamation Stabilized FDR Micro Milling Micro Surfacing Ultra-thin Bonded Wearing Surface Thin Overlay Rout and Seal HMA Patching Chip Seal
Pavement Preservation (continued) Pavement Preservation – Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Minor (light) Rehabilitation Full Depth Repair Dowel Bar Retrofit Diamond Grinding Concrete pavement Repair Bonded Asphalt over Concrete Concrete Overlay Preventive Maintenance Slab Stabilization Slab Jacking Partial Depth Repair Routine Maintenance Reseal Joints Joint Repair
Pavement Preservation (continued) Pavement Preservation – Local Road Research Board System Preservation Guide – November 2016 Alternatives to Seal Coats – February 2016 Cost-Effective Pavement Preservation Solutions – September 2014 Preventive Maintenance Best Practices for HMA Pavements – June 2009 2006 State Aid Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Best Practices Manual – September 2006 Asphalt Pavement Maintenance – Field Handbook – April 2001 Minnesota Seal Coat Handbook 2006 – June 2006
Resources and links Local Road Research Board State Aid Pavement Preservation MnDOT Pavement Preservation FHWA Pavement Preservation National Center for Pavement Preservation Asphalt Recycling and Reclamation Association National Concrete Pavement Technology Center State Aid Pavement Preservation - MnDOT Pavement Preservation - FHWA Pavement Preservation - National Center for Pavement Preservation - Asphalt Recycling and Reclamation Association - National Concrete Pavement Technology Center -
Questions? Joel Ulring 651-366-3831