T h e G r e a t G a t s b y Chapters 3-4 Discussion
Chapter t h r e e
O N e Look at the first paragraph in chapter three. Explain the following: its comparison with the party at Myrtle’s and Tom’s apartment the imagery that creates a magical tone-- how?
T W O What is the reason for and the effect of the shift in verb tense which occurs in the fourth paragraph in chapter three? What impression does it give?
Consider the meaning and purpose of this sentence: T h r e e Consider the meaning and purpose of this sentence: “It was testimony to the romantic speculation he inspired that there were whispers about him from those who had found little that it was necessary to whisper about in this world” (48). Compare it to the last sentence of the third paragraph in chapter four.
F o u r Explain the point of Owl Eyes’ fascination with Gatsby’s library (49). This is such a small scene and Owl Eyes seems to be such an insignificant (albeit strange and interesting) character.
F I v e From chapter three, pick one or two sentences you really like, write them, and consider the following: how would you describe Fitzgerald’s style? what is it you like about these sentences?
Chapter f o u r
O n e Analyze the effect of the language in the first sentence and first short paragraph ending with “crystal glass” (65). Look carefully.
T w o Turn to page 68. Let’s consider the characterization of Gatsby provided on this page. What can we gather about him from this description?
T h r e e What symbolic significance can you apply to the pearls that Tom gives Daisy the day before their wedding (80-81)?