Overview I. Staff and Supervision II. Insurance III. Emergency IV. Equipment V. Facility
Staff and Supervision Training Certification Age requirements Ratios
Training Requirements 4-H volunteer training County specifics Kitsap and King require online E-Learning WSP Background check Reference check Valuable partnership form Youth Protection - video New Club – Use of 4-H Emblem form Enrollment form for club Shooting Sports Training ⧫ 15 hours of instruction in the discipline
Certification After successful completion of training Share copy with local extension office. Especially important when out of state training. Certification required for leading the project. WA, ID and OR have similar training requirements. Can cross state lines for certification.
Leader Age Requirements 21 years old 18 years = assistant instructor Teen leader can assist the leader Some teens attend the state training Parents can help the leader Leader is in charge of the range!
Adult/Youth Ratios Recommended 1:8
Insurance Issues Parental and Health Consent b. Accidental Insurance i. American Income Life (AIL) – youth and volunteer leaders ii. Labor and Industry (L&I) – volunteer leaders iii. $1 regular; $2 equine, ATV and league c. Liability i. Defended if found acting in good faith d. Certificate of Liability i. 5 million-bodily injury, property damage & personal injury e. Vehicles and Transportation i. Volunteer leader primary insurance responsibility f. Equipment insurance
Emergency Procedures Emergency Transportation Communication and Direction Keep others engaged Render First Aid Parental Notification Different Situations Range Accident Lost Child Misfire Rabid Animal Flood/Fire/Tornado Car Accident
Equipment Safety Check Procedures Handling Proper Storage Transportation
Facility Safety Inspection Club completes with owner Official one sometimes Safety procedures displayed (signage, berms, lines) Insurance Leases
Risk Management Plan Look Plan Prepare
Requirement for all shooting sports in Washington State Risk Management Plan All 4-H Shooting Sports Instructors are required to have a risk management plan in place prior to conducting a shooting sports activity. Elements of the plan should include but are not limited to: 1. Staffing/Supervision A. Training B. Recertification C. Age of youth/experience level D. Adult/Youth Ratio E. Specific Requirements (background checks, screening, etc.) 2. Insurance Issues A. Waivers B. Health History/Parental consent C. Health Insurance D. Liability/Vehicle Insurance E. Equipment Insurance F. Facility Insurance G. Leases 3. Emergency Procedures A. Transportation/Emergency Vehicle B. Communication/Access to phone/Public Relations (person, statement, etc.) C. First Aid person and kit on site D. Parental notification Separate plan for each of the following situations: range accident, lost child, misfire, animal/insect/plant related injury, weather disaster, car accident and other.
Exercise Paper and pencil time Ask your self questions about your shooting area What could happen Earth Quake, Fire, Flooding, Active Shooter, Loss of Equipment, Cut Finger, Arrow in Hand, & … What can I do to prevent How do I avoid problems Will insurance policy take responsibility
Risk Management Plan All adults running the range will be certified. All first year archers will be supervised by an adult to archer ratio 1:4. Second and more years of experience ratio 1:8. All adults helping with the project and on the range must have E-Learning and back ground checks completed or in progress/submitted. Handicap archers will take two lanes on the shooting line. All archers and leaders will complete Health, Photo, Parental consent, and Insurance paperwork. Parents are responsible for travel to and from practices. Tournaments where travel is involved will require a separate Risk Management Plan. Lost Child problem. All archers will remain in the range with two parents. No shooting allowed. Call Kitsap County Extension office (360) 337-7162 and leave message. Call Kitsap County Fair Maintenance at (360) 340-6661. Range master and other adults will commence search. After 5 minutes, call 911 and get help from county units. Call Kitsap County Extension office and give update. Injury on the range. Minor - first aid kit on range. Major - call 911, stop all shooting. Report all injuries, fill in paper work in file folder labeled “Injury Report”. Report to club leader (360) 643-3829 and notify parents. Call Kitsap County Extension office, (360) 337-7162. Child abuse/neglect call 4-H Extension office (360) 337-7162.