UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS The Unit Organizer NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE 1-21 DATE Changes of America 2 LAST UNIT /Experience CURRENT UNIT: 3 NEXT UNIT /Experience 1 Age of Jackson Westward Expansion Industrialization 8 Unit Schedule 5 UNIT MAP is about... the concept and impact of Manifest Destiny, and the processes that led to the settlement of the western United States by Land Acquisition Map Journal entry as pioneer, American Indian, Asian Immigrant, or Mexican American and your view of Manifest Destiny. Analyzing analyzing The Mexican American War Manifest Destiny Explaining Identifying the contributions of various groups Major Trails to the West Vocab: Manifest Destiny, session, pioneers What was Manifest Destiny and how was it achieved? Why were the guidelines the Northwest Ordinance set important? What motivated pioneers to migrate to the American West? How did the Mexican American War impact westward expansion? Compare the places and regions of the US in terms of physical and human characteristics. Analyze Identify 6 UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS RELATIONSHIPS UNIT 7
The Unit Organizer Westward Expansion by 2nd Term NAME DATE Westward Expansion CURRENT UNIT: Expanded UNIT MAP the concept and impact of Manifest Destiny, and the processes that led to the settlement of the western United States by Is about… is about... Analyzing analyzing The Mexican American War Manifest Destiny 2nd Term identifying 1789 - NW Ordinance – set up guidelines and rules to become a state 1803 - Louisiana Purchase & Lewis and Clark – doubles size of US 1819 – Adams Onis Treaty – gain Florida and have all land east of Mississippi 1844 - Polk’s Election – on Manifest Destiny 1846 - Oregon Territory – from British – achieves goal of reaching Pacific Ocean Gadsen Purchase – US pays Mexico 10 million to have a southern railroad track in AZ 1845 - Texas Annexation – Texas Independence still disputed by Mexico Border Dispute – TX says Rio Grande, Mexico says the Nueces River – Polk sends troops to Rio Grande and war begins Civil Disobedience – first war that is argued and disputed in Congress Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo – ends the war. Gave US the Mexican Cession (NM, CA, UT, CO, WY, NV, and AZ) – US pays 15 million Compromise of 1850 – CA enters as a free state and Fugitive Slave Act passes the contributions of various groups Major Trails to the West Enslaved African Americans often working the land Chinese mined gold in California and worked building the Transcontinental Railroad Irish settled in urban areas to work in factories In general many immigrants came for land to pursue farming Settlers on the Great Plains adapted to the environment by building sod houses Economic - new land for farmers; new resources and raw materials; new opportunities to start a business and ownership signified wealth – Oregon Trail and California Trail new trade routes and markets – Santa Fe Trail Social - refuge for persecuted groups – Mormon Trail
UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS The Unit Organizer NAME 4 BIGGER PICTURE 1-21 DATE 2 LAST UNIT /Experience CURRENT UNIT: 3 NEXT UNIT /Experience 1 8 Unit Schedule 5 UNIT MAP is about... the concept and impact of Manifest Destiny, and the processes that led to the settlement of the western United States by Land Acquisition Map Journal entry as pioneer, American Indian, Asian Immigrant, or Mexican American and your view of Manifest Destiny. Vocab: Manifest Destiny, session, pioneers What was __________________________and how was it _____________? Why were the guidelines the _____________________________ set important? What motivated pioneers to _____________ to the American West? How did the __________________________ impact ____________________________? Compare the places and regions of the US in terms of physical and human characteristics. Analyze Identify 6 UNIT SELF-TEST QUESTIONS RELATIONSHIPS UNIT 7
The Unit Organizer NAME DATE CURRENT UNIT: Expanded UNIT MAP the concept and impact of Manifest Destiny, and the processes that led to the settlement of the western United States by Is about… is about... Analyzing analyzing Explaining identifying