EIGHT STEP FAMILY PLAN R Raise your awareness about the risks of tech use E Examine parent tech habits and the home environment A Add up the time kids spend on all screens Add in new activities L Look at what kids watch, Look into parental controls
EIGHT STEP FAMILY PLAN L Limits and rules: Simple, fair and enforceable I Implement your plan at a family meeting F Follow up: Consequences, revise as needed E Enjoy your more connected family life!
R Raise your awareness about the risks of tech use
Some children are more at risk for the negative consequences of Electronic Screen Use The child who seems to love screens more than his peers or siblings Boys have a higher incidence of video game addiction than girls Young people with Autism Spectrum Disorders Anyone with ADHD, ADD or increased impulsivity Having pre-existing mental health issues such as anxiety or depression Introverted, socially isolated or poor social skills
Kids may be more susceptible Intellectually gifted Anyone who uses technology as an escape from their problems The younger one starts using technology and the more time spent on screens increases ones risk of problematic use Use of pornography, online gaming and social media appear to have the highest addictive potential Family history of any type of addiction
WARNING SIGNS Talking, thinking or reading primarily about the internet or gaming Irritability, anger or boredom when screen time is reduced or eliminated Heightened sense of euphoria when online or gaming Inability to follow the family’s screen rules Decreasing time spent in person with friends or family Decreased satisfaction or involvement in relationships Mood changes including impatience, anger, mood swings, depression
WARNING SIGNS Feeling guilty, ashamed, anxious or depressed as a result of one’s online use Physical illness or symptoms including weight gain or loss, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, backaches, visual problems Changes in sleep habits, particularly neglecting sleep to stay online Deteriorating grades or motivation for school Parents have conflicts over a child’s screen time Secrecy or lack of willingness to share what they are doing on computer Withdrawing from other pleasurable activities
R Raise your awareness about the risks of tech use NEXT… R Raise your awareness about the risks of tech use E Examine parent tech habits and the home environment A Add up the time kids spend on all screens Add in new activities L Look at what kids watch, Look into parental controls
REAL LIFE! L Limits and rules: Simple, fair and enforceable I Implement your plan at a family meeting F Follow up: Consequences, revise as needed E Enjoy your more connected family life!
Technology Tip Sheet Avoid any screen time until 2; severely limit until 5 Delay smartphones, social media use and online gaming until high school Try “single-tasking” instead of multi-tasking when doing homework No screens and electronic devices in the bedroom Avoid interactive screen use within 1 -2 hours of bedtime Avoid using screen time as a reward for anything Average less than 2 hours a day of all entertainment screen time
Technology Tip Sheet No first-person shooter video games, avoid media violence No online pornography. Use Blocking Software Use a flip phone until kids have demonstrated they can follow the rules Limit social media and video games to one hour per day or less Take vacations without gaming or social media Establish screen-free activities: meals, conversations and commutes to school Try the one in/one out rule: For every hour of screen time, participate in an hour of exercise, time in nature, or a spiritual practice
Technology Tip Sheet Exercise, religious services, reading print material and spending time in person with friends protects against unhappiness Make sure kids spend time each day in down-time, true relaxation or daydreaming without the use of electronics Learn about how screen time affects your brain and emotional health Know the warning signs of electronic screen syndrome and addiction Try a whole family experiment: take the 30 day “Technology Fast”
Enjoy your more connected family life!
Great WEB Resources CommonSenseMedia.org Good source of information and recommendations for parents Dr.Dunckley.com An expert on child mental health writes about how to treat this issue Familiesmanagingmedia.com Wonderful help for parents who want support going game-free Gamequitters.com Excellent community resource for anyone who wants to quite gaming Netaddictionrecovery.com The website for reSTART LLC; full of helpful information RealBattle.org One of Dr. Andrew Doan’s websites. Also check out his YouTube videos waituntil8th.org Parent-led organization recommending a pledge to delay smartphone use Zonein.ca Cris Rowan is a world expert on the effects of technology on children
Great Books Alter, Adam (2017) Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked. NY:NY Penguin Press. Doan, Andrew (2011). Hooked on Games: The lure and cost of video game and internet addiction. Dunckley, Victoria, (2015) Reset Your Child's Brain: A Four-Week Plan to End Meltdowns, Raise Grades, and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen-Time. Novato, CA: New World Library Kardaras, Nicholas (2016). Glow Kids. New York: St. Martins Press.