Copy page 118 Homework: Finish Gizmos Prepare for spiral Check MON/Tue Objective: students will be able to identify types of galaxies in the universe, identify the one we live in, and identify the 8 planets in the solar system.
#8 Stars and The Milky Way Galaxy
Units of the Universe Light years- Distance it takes light to travel in one year ( 5.8 trillion miles) Astronomical units- (AU) Distance between the sun and the earth (90 million miles)
Recap What is farther away : A planet 1 AU from earth or a planet 1 light year away from earth? 1 AU = 90 million miles 1 Ly = 5.8 trillion miles 1 Ly = 647 AU’s
Are we at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy? Sorry, um, NO! Let’s draw a picture
Groups of Stars = A Galaxy What is the name of our galaxy? Milky Way Galaxy What type of galaxy are we in? A spiral galaxy
How do we measure stars? Hotness by color Blue → Yellow →Red (least hot) Brightness by Magnitude 1 = brightest (1st place winner=brightest!) 9 = less bright (9th place not as bright as 1st)
What kind of star is ours? The sun is a main sequence star Average temperature (Yellow star) Average size (medium sized) Neutron stars are size of a city Dwarf star size of Earth Super giant stars 100x sun
From birth to death..... All stars burn out (run out of H fuel) A supergiant (100x sun) can explode before it dies. Then it is called a supernova. A supernova will become one of two things. - a neutron star or a blackhole. Our Sun will become a red giant. - about 3 billion years from now
Recap What is a collection of stars? Galaxies 2. What happens to the sun as it gets older? Changes color 3. Happens to a sun when it dies? Goes supernova (neutron star or black hole)
Planet Posters Requirements: Use ipads and textbooks to answer the 14 questions at the tables In groups research the planet you have been assigned. Create a poster using the items provided for other students to take notes from
As a Review: What is a Solar System? - Solar means............ Sun! So our solar system is made up of the sun, the 8 planets, and everything else that travels around the sun. The sun is the only star in our SOLAR system, but one of billions in our galaxy