Local One-Stop Teams …building bridges between front line partner staff Good Afternoon. “None of us is as smart as all of us.” – one of my favorite quotes from Ken Blanchard We, at the frontline level, ALL have awesome ideas and now we have a formal process to share those ideas and resources! 5-17-17 One-Stop Convening Hope Ellsworth, One-Stop Operator
How did we get here? WIOA Act of 2014 (Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act) To redesign the publicly funded workforce development system
WIOA & the one-stop system encourages: Seamless cooperation of partners Full range of job seeker supports (workforce development, education, human & social services) Focused on the individual receiving supports Outcome - Improved long term employment Seamless cooperation … full range of supports for job seekers … customer-focused Outcome – a long term living wage for residents of Delaware
FYI - All WIOA Partner organizations and programs have a representative on the WIOA Leadership Team which helps to guide the development of the One-Stop System.
One-Stop Operator Key Duties: Facilitation of Local One-Stop Teams Coordination of Annual One-Stop Convening WIOA Leadership Team Member 3 main duties
The goal of One-Stop Teams …to provide for a regularly scheduled forum (in each county) to help further evolve Delaware’s One-Stop System Read the goal
Who should be on the Teams ? Key: ensure that feedback can travel back and forth between your program(s) and the One-Stop Teams Team Member is a MISSING LINK between front- line staff and WIOA Leadership Team Who should be on these teams? The key is that the Team Members ensure that information is shared with other front-line staff (within all in your program) AND that they get input from those staff to bring back to the team. Some of you are the managers trying to decide who to appoint as a Local One-Stop Team Members. I’ll be in touch soon to talk more about this with the WIOA Leadership Members.
Front-Line Staff Team Member WIOA Leadership Team Team Members are a CRITICAL COMMUNICATION AND INPUT LINK between front-line staff in your program and the WIOA Leadership Team (remember that all One-Stop Partners have a representative on the WIOA Leadership Team). You will gather input from staff in your program to share at the Team Meetings. (That will be communicated to Leadership Team via minutes and my attendance at the Leadership Team Meetings.) As we get information from the Local Team Meetings, you will be responsible for sharing that with staff in your program.
One-stop System teams Networking among One-Stop System staff This is a new communication channel for information flow within the One-Stop System… and it should be a very fluid process.
Local one-stop Team efforts will: create collaboration and improved communication create venue to learn about all resources available to job seekers include invaluable support services strengthen the referral system There will be local One-Stop Teams in each county. Each Local Team will meet monthly and the plan is to start those meetings next month. They will be 2 hours in length.
Focus or Team agenda Review accomplishments Share best practices Presentations and learning about Partner Programs Discuss & develop strategies for continuous program improvement ideas Identify and address problems/challenges Identify and monitor a measurement system (How are things going?) Sharing success stories and stories about client struggles Go over slide.
Local One-Stop Team Meetings New Castle (4th Tuesday; 9:30 – 11:30am) Kent (3rd Friday; Sussex TBA June 6/27 6/15 July 7/25 7/21 August 8/22 8/18
You still know how to find me… Whether you become a Member of a One-Stop Local Team or not, ALL OF YOU are still A VITAL LINK in our front-line staff improvement effort. Thank you.