Exalted Ruler
-CEO- Chief Executive Officer
Study the Laws of the Order and the By-Laws of your Lodge 2. Familiarize yourself with Rituals 3. Study the Exalted Rulers, Lodge Officers and Committee Members manual 4. Robert’s Rules of Order 5. Voting requirement guide (page 214- Statutes Annotated) 6. Protocol Manual 7. Other Grand Lodge Committee Manuals
Statutes Annotated 2017 Section 15.020. The Order of Business must be as follows, with the exception of items (i) through (q) and (d), which may be transposed with the consent of the Lodge. (a) Opening. (b) Calling roll of Officers. (c) Reading minutes of previous meeting. (d) Initiation (e) Sickness and distress (always in order). (f) Community Activities. (g) Reports of Committees (by seniority). (h) Report of the Fraternal Committee. (i) Reading communications. (j) Propositions for membership. (k) Balloting on candidates. (l) Unfinished business. (m) New business. (n) Good of the Order. (o) Bills against the Lodge. (p) Receipts of the Lodge. (q) Treasurer’s report. (r) Closing. XV, Sec. 15.010, 15.020
Grand Exalted ruler Malcolm J. McPherson Lyndhurst, NJ Lodge No. 1505
Arthur H. (Jack) Frost, III, PGER P.O. Box 5886 Oak Ridge TN 37831-5886 865-482-7586 Office ahfger@bellsouth.net State sponsor
SC North East District #8180 Lottie Menor (Richard) 5924 Haskell Circle Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 Res.: 843-449-3202 Cell: 843-283-2559 lmenor@hotmail.com Myrtle Beach Lodge No. 1771 District deputy-Ne
SC South East District #8160 Tim Polzin (Tammi) 117 Crooked Creek Court Summerville, SC 29484 Cell 843-693-0876 timpolzin@shipshapeservicellc.com Summerville Lodge No. 2719 District deputy-Se
Herman S. Boseman (Sally) SC West District #8200 Herman S. Boseman (Sally) 133 Towne Creek Trail Anderson, SC 29621 Res: 864-224-8549 Cell: 864-348-7103 hboseman@hotmail.com Pendleton Lodge No. 2861 District deputy-west
Robert Ressler (Diane) SC Special Deputy Robert Ressler (Diane) 2797 Powhatan Drive Sumter, SC 29150 Res: 803-469-8765 Cell: 803-840-4006 sdger@bobressler.com Sumter Lodge No. 855 SC Special Deputy to the Grand Exalted Ruler
South Carolina Elks Association Leadership Training Committee March 10, 2018 Chairman: Fred Thompson President Elect