Plan of Industry and Energy areas to implement the NDC of Vietnam to 2020 and vision 2030 Nguyen Quang Huy Department of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam
Contents INDC of Vietnam Challenges / Gaps Approach to solve Expect results Roadmap to achieve
1. INDC of Vietnam (2021 – 2030) Mitigations 1. Targets (Compare with BAU): Unconditional contribution: 8%. Conditional contribution: 25%. 2. Technical solutions Energy: 17 (11/6); Agriculture: 15 (6/9); LULUCF: 09 (5/4); Wastes: 04 (3/4). 3. Policies solutions 4. MRV Adaptations Pages/Home.aspx
2. Challenges and Gaps Challenges 1. GHGs emission from Energy and Industry: 2020: 81% 2030: 85% 2. Targets of NDC: 8% or 25% No specific for each sector. 3. For each solution No specific, no priority apply to what sector? Can't MRV! Gaps Status GHGs emission of each sector? BAU? Base line/Base year. Other technical solutions can be applied for each sector? (Not only solutions from NDC mentioned). Cost of each technical solution? How much of contribution from each sector? Targets? MRV in sectorial level? Financial mechanism and other supports? Role of related parties?
3. Approach to solve Sectorial NDC 1. Approach: Bottom - Up and Top - Down 2. Structure/Contents Status of GHG emissions. BAU to 2030. All solutions can reduce GHGs, MACC included. Setup the targets (unconditional and conditional) and the roadmap. Setup the MRV for sectorial NDC. Organization to implementing. 3. Commitment from emitters 4. Able to MRV and to be the indicators of MRV’s national NDC Decree of Roadmap and Methods to reduce GHGs emission in VN Approach/Opinion/Content: - To implement the Mitigation in IDC of Vietnam in period 2021 – 2030. - Decide the specific target for each sector. - Setup the system of MRV for national and sectorial levels. - Setup the GHGs inventory. - Setup some pilot financial mechanisms, encourage policies to engagement all the emitters to implement. - Certificate the contributed of emitters => CER? - Planed: 2018
Implement NDC => Specific Projects 3. Approach to solve Implement sectorial NDC 1. Approach: Implement NDC => Specific Projects - NAMA projects. - JCM Projects. - CDM Projects. 2. Potential: - NAMAs Registry under UNFCCC. - NAMAs Facility. - Green Climate Fund. - NAMAs crediting. - ETS, JCM...
4. Expect result (MOIT) Supply sides 1. Power generation from fossil fuels - Coal Power - Electric Oil (FO / DO) - Natural Gas - Hydro Power (> 30MW) 2. Power generation from renewable energy sources - Wind electricity - Solar power - Biomass electricity - Electrical waste - Small hydropower - Other renewable energy 3. Exploiting, sorting and supplying coal 4. Exploiting, refining petrochemical, supplying petroleum and oil products 5. Exploiting and supplying gasoline 6. Production and supply of biofuels
4. Expect result (MOIT) Demand sides 1. Iron and steel production - Iron - Steel Fabrication - Rolled steel 2. Paper and pulp industry - Production of pulp - Paper production 3. Chemical and fertilizer industry - Manufacture of chemicals - Processing rubber and plastic - Production of fertilizers,... 4. Mining industry, metal production 5. Garment & Textile industry - Weaving - Dye - Tailoring 6. Manufacturing and processing industry - Processing food. - Manufacture of beverages. - Tobacco. - Manufacturing machines 7. Home Appliance - Urban household (cook, lighting, other) - Rural household (cook, lighting, other) 8. Commercial and others
4. Expect result (Other Ministries) Demand sides 9. Transportation - Waterway - Road - Rail - Air 10. Cement Production 11. Production of building materials - Ceramics, glass - Brick 12. Agriculture-forestry-aquaculture - Caught seafood - Seafood aquaculture - Farming - Irrigation - Harvest
5. Roadmap to achieve - Paris Agreement - INDC of VN - NDC 2015 2016 2017 2019 2020 2021 - Paris Agreement - INDC of VN - NDC - AP of Vietnam to Implement PA - Review & Update the NDC - Degree of Reduce GHGs Implement PA / NDC of Vietnam 2021-2030 - Updated national NDC - Sectorial NDC - NAMAs for sectorial NDC - Piloting market instruments to implement NDC
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