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Presentation transcript:

support for reflection and engagement Getting started – support for reflection and engagement mathematics Getting started: Support for reflection and engagement with the mathematics experiences and outcomes.   This PowerPoint can be used to support familiarisation with the mathematics experiences and outcomes of the framework. It should be used with the aim of stimulating professional dialogue and reflection, for example with departmental or whole school staff, subject networks, engaging with partners, etc. How it is used will vary according to the needs of the group and can be over more than one session. It is important to consider the principles and practice as well as the experiences and outcomes for mathematics. It would be useful to have a hard copy of both to hand when using this PowerPoint.

What changes have been made since the publication of the draft mathematics framework? Feedback was informative in supporting change. What was done: What was said? Estimation and rounding should be included within the early level experiences and outcomes. Some experiences and outcomes would benefit from further clarification. Pedagogy, planning, progression and assessment could be enhanced through further support. A need for an increasing emphasis on effective learning strategies. An appropriate outcome on estimating and rounding was added at early level. Further explanation included in the framework document to clarify expectation. Further exemplification to be provided through progression pathways for key lines of concept development. Active and collaborative learning to be exemplified and sharing through Glow to be encouraged. This slide could be used independently or as part of a group discussion to support reflection and engagement. Feedback informed the process of change when reorganising, editing and rewriting the framework. Actions in response to the University of Glasgow report: The agreed plan included the following main actions: Edit the few draft experiences and outcomes which were identified as needing clarification. Include an estimation and rounding experience and outcome at early level. Support a group of identified experiences and outcomes with further explanation, to ensure clarity about expectations. For three priority areas only (number processes, chance and uncertainty, and algebraic thinking), prepare descriptions of progression in the development of concepts, to ensure a shared understanding of children’s mathematical development and of standards. This action point is designed to address a number of the points raised during engagement. Support the development of resources which exemplify active learning, co-operative learning, embedded problem solving, teaching with technology and the impact of mathematics, in the classroom situation. Support the development of a variety of resources which exemplify numeracy across learning. Support education authorities in taking forward collaborative CPD that will allow teachers to reflect on how young people learn. Set up a national numeracy Glow site that will allow all those involved in education to share ideas, consult and communicate. With SQA colleagues, address the relationship between SCQF 4 core skills numeracy and Curriculum for Excellence fourth level. Each of the detailed points included in the report was carefully considered by a group of specialists and practitioners and changes made in response as appropriate. All points have been addressed.

Reflecting on the principles and practice in mathematics Why is it important that learning and teaching develops algebraic thinking in all young learners? What contexts can I use to exemplify the importance of mathematics in everyday life? How can I embed problem-solving approaches in daily learning and teaching? How can I integrate mathematical skills and concepts in all other areas of the curriculum? In what ways can the principles and practice inform my teaching of mathematics to take it forward within Curriculum for Excellence? The principles and practice is essential reading for practitioners as they begin and then develop their work with the statements of experiences and outcomes. This slide encourages reflection and discussion on some of the questions from the principles and practice.

How are the experiences and outcomes structured in mathematics? Mathematics is structured within three main organisers: Number, money and measure This includes estimation and rounding; number and number processes; multiples, factors and primes; powers and roots; fractions, decimal fractions and percentages; money; time; measurement; the impact of mathematics on the world; patterns and relationships; expressions and equations. Shape, position and movement This includes properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects; angle, symmetry and transformation. Information handling This includes data and analysis; ideas of chance and uncertainty. This slide should reassure colleagues that the content expected to be covered has not substantially changed. Familiarity with these areas of learning already exists. The emphasis should be on the approaches to learning and teaching that allow young people to become secure in understanding these concepts. The impact of mathematics on the world is an area where teachers can use a wide range of settings and imaginative approaches to reinforce the importance mathematics has in life, learning and work.

Experiences and outcomes in mathematics (1) Why do some statements cross more than one level? These describe learning which needs to be revisited, applied in new contexts and deepened over a more extended period. Why is there a dotted line between third and fourth level? This is to demonstrate the close relationship and likely overlap between the two levels. Fourth level will provide the depth of experiences based on prior learning from third level. This slide answers questions that are commonly asked. Bullet 2 - The close relationship between third and fourth level is outlined in Building the Curriculum 3.

Experiences and outcomes in mathematics (2) Why are there sometimes fewer statements at third level than in second and fourth? This happens because of the particular significance of the third level as part of the entitlement for all young people. They represent a drawing together of a number of aspects of learning within mathematics. Why are some statements in italics? The statements in italics highlight the numeracy experiences and outcomes which are the responsibility of all practitioners. This means that non-maths specialists in the secondary sector should consider how they can contribute to these experiences and outcomes. This slide answers questions that are commonly asked. Bullet 2 – All practitioners, in each sector, have a responsibility to develop, reinforce and extend skills set out in the numeracy outcomes. Primary and secondary mathematics practitioners have responsibility for both the numeracy and the mathematics experiences and outcomes.

Getting started in mathematics: some questions for discussion Building on your current practice, what are the implications for what and how you teach? How will you ensure the needs of all learners are met? Which experiences and outcomes could you link within mathematics, across other curriculum areas and the world of work to provide a coherent experience for learners? How might you ensure that learning and teaching reflects the values, purposes and principles of Curriculum for Excellence? To assist with your thinking in this aspect, you may wish to consider the following questions: Question – Building on your current practice, what are the implications for what and how you teach? Are there new learning and teaching approaches that could be added to your practice as a means of engaging and stimulating learning? To what extent do you address ‘active learning’ in your teaching? To what extent do you use a wide range of learning and teaching approaches? To what extent do you vary your range of learning and teaching approaches? Question – How will you ensure the needs of all learners are met? They understand clearly what they are trying to learn and what is expected of them. They are given feedback on the quality of their work and what they can do to make it better. They are given advice about how to go about making improvements. They are fully involved in deciding what needs to be done next, and who can give them help if they need it. Have you considered: differentiation, progression, learning and teaching approaches, planning and resources, classroom ethos? Question – Which experiences and outcomes could you link within mathematics, across other curriculum areas and the world of work to provide a coherent experience for learners? To what extent have you considered integrating experiences and outcomes from within the mathematics framework to build a context for learning which is relevant and engaging for learners? To what extent have you considered different contexts for learning relevant to everyday life, for example how mathematics plays a part in food technology, construction, technologies, expressive arts, sport and leisure? To what extent have you considered interdisciplinary learning which integrates experiences and outcomes from different curriculum areas? Question – How might you ensure that learning and teaching reflects the values, purposes and principles of Curriculum for Excellence?

Where do you go from here? The journey may be different for everyone, but you may wish to consider some first steps towards change, for example: identifying and sharing effective practice identifying and prioritising professional development needs experimenting with learning and teaching approaches. This slide highlights three important areas for professional dialogue to be addressed after consideration of the principles and practice and the experiences and outcomes. It can be used as a basis for discussion within and across sectors (e.g. planning for transition) and can be used by teachers and centres as the basis for future planning.