The Crusades
Causes of the Crusades Pope Urban II Alexis the leader of the Byzantine Empire asked for help because the Muslim Turks were threatening to invade. In 1095 A.D. at a meeting with nobles outside of Clermont, France Pope Urban II called for a “Holy Crusade” to gain control of the Holy Land. Pope Urban II
Causes of the Crusades Christian pilgrims were being refused free access to Jerusalem. Crusaders would have their sins pardoned. Many (especially second sons of nobles that were not going to inherit land) were greedy for new lands to rule and the rumored riches of the Holy Land.
Causes of the Crusades Knights were bored because of the stability of the period made them unnecessary. It was thought that the division between eastern and western Christian Church could be healed.
Pope Urban II: Calling for a Crusade
The Crusade of the Poor Date Leaders and Participants Major Events 1096 Leaders and Participants Little Peter and common peasants Major Events Massacre of Jews in Europe to get supplies The Crusaders were shocked by the wealth and beauty of Constantinople and start stealing everything! Results The Crusaders were slaughtered by the Ottoman Turks
The Slaughter of the Crusade of the Poor
Early Christian Crusades: East and West
The Christian siege of Jerusalem
The massacre of Muslims and Jews in Jerusalem
The Crusaders built European styles castles called “kraks” in the Holy Land to protect key land routes to Jerusalem.
The Knight Templar was created to protect Christian Pilgrims in the Holy Land.
The Knight Templar profited from the Crusades and became very wealthy.
Hospitallers were another elite Christian fighting force.
2nd Crusade The Christian kings discuss plans to attack Damascus
The 2nd Crusade Date Leaders and Participants Major Events 1147-1148 Leaders and Participants The French King Louis VII and a German king named Conrad III Major Events Declaring Jihad Muslim armies gained some land back, however Jerusalem was not taken. Results It was a draw! Nothing really won or lost!
Godfrey of Bouillon
Saladin became the new ruler of the Muslim armies in 1169.A.D.
Battle of Hattin July 4, 1187
Battle of Hattin July 4, 1187 A.D. Importance: A major turning point in the Crusades was when the Christian Crusaders were almost completely destroyed by a Muslim army led by Saladin on the July 4, 1187A.D. This battle led to the eventual recapture of Jerusalem by the Muslim armies and provoked the 3rd Crusade. The Battle of Hattin stopped major Christian expansion in the Middle East.
Chaos in Jerusalem!
Jerusalem surrendered to Saladin in October of 1187
The 3rd Crusade! Richard the Lionhearted
The 3rd Crusade Date Leaders and Participants 1189-1192 Leaders and Participants Saladin-Muslim leader and Richard the Lionhearted Major Events Saladin captures Jerusalem in 1187. Richard wins several battles but cannot re-take Jerusalem. Results Richard and Saladin create a truce for 3 years.
Christian Crusades: East and West
The 4th Crusade Date Leaders and Participants Results Major Events 1199-1204 Leaders and Participants Pope Innocent III called for it! Major Events Pope Innocent III forced people to be Crusaders or they would be Excommunicated The crusaders conquered and looted Constantinople for 3 days in 1204. Results Big failure! Never made it to the Holy land. The art and history at Constantinople was looted and destroyed.
The destruction of Constantinople in 1204
The destruction of Constantinople in 1204
The Children’s Crusade Date 1212 Leaders and Participants Nicholas a shepherd Poor children! Major Events 30,000 mostly German children starve, died in storms or were tricked by pirates and merchants into being sold as slaves in Tunisia. Results Big failure! Never made it to the Holy land. Children everywhere learned that pirate strangers are bad!
The Children’s Crusade
The Children’s Crusade
“So you guys are pirates?”
5th-8th Crusades Date Leaders and Participants Results Major Events 1217-1270 Leaders and Participants Mostly French and German Kings. Major Events Crusaders try to invade Egypt, other parts of North Africa, and the Holy Land. Results All are failures except the 6th Crusade, in which Christians and Muslims sit down and talk. The Christian leaders were condemned by the Pope and excommunicated for not fighting. Turks recapture Jerusalem in 1244.
French King Louis XI in captivity in Egypt
The Crusade of the Shepherds Date 1255 Leaders and Participants 30,000 shepherds and peasants Major Events Caused a riot in Orleans, France. Never gets organized to leave France. More riots, maybe the shepherds did not trust the boat captains! Results Big failure, unless you were a shepherd who likes to riot with your sheep!
The Crusade of the Shepherds
A Crusader returning home.