NOT the Mongols! The Mughals Michaela Knight
Beginnings Babur First emperor Descendent of the Mongols Succeeded father when 12 Killed ruler Tolerated Hinduism Slavery Conquered Delhi Cow killing Did not want to “take over the world”
Abu Akbar Grandson of Babur Became emperor at age 13 Possibly one of the greatest rulers of all time Wanted to be in the favor of Hindu leaders Wife son Tolerated all religions Prisoners of war Jizya Islamic law for all Hindu self-regulation Mansabs Most prosperous empire of the 16th century
Akbar cont. Marriage age Divine Faith Education Suttee Muslim, Zoroastrian, Sikh, Christian Allahu Akbar double meaning Deity Education Institutions Hindus and Muslims Girls Suttee Excessive drinking Food for beggars
Shah Jahan Readopted Islam The Taj Mahal Mumtaz Cost and aggravation Still tolerant The Taj Mahal Stability Power confidence Mumtaz Cost and aggravation
Aurangzeb Son of Jahan Expanded Mughal empire to greatest size Father and older brother Expanded Mughal empire to greatest size Religious tolerance Sharia law Destruction Temples shrines Taxation Slavery
Aurangzeb cont. Large, unstable military Population Muslim Governor of Hydrabad (Southern India Rebellion Shi’a state Religious tolerance Hindu kingdoms Fighting back French and British support Result of harsh rule Loss of territory Cultural flourishing
Central decay and regional challenges Death of Aurangzeb in 1707 Nadir Shah Invasion Peacock throne Nizam al-Mulk Gave up and started his own state Joseph Francois Dupliex Trading center of Madras Royal puppets
Sources The book