Welcome to World History Key Questions: How do people Learn about prehistory? What do anthropologists think are the stages of human development? How did early people live?
What do we do if we don’t have written records? Pre-History: the time before writing Archaeologist: study past societies by examining the things people left behind (artifacts) Fossils: remains of human, plants and animals that have become hard like stone Anthropologists: people who study the beginnings and developments of a group of people
Hominids Early Hominids Name Time Period Characteristics Australopithecus 4-5 million yrs ago “southern ape” Stood upright and walked on two legs Homo-Habilis 2.4 million yrs ago “handy-man” Used for early stone tools Homo-Erectus 2-1.5 million yrs ago “upright man” Learned to control fire Migrated Homo-Sapien 200,000 yrs ago “wise man” Migrated around the world Used a wide range of tools First Humans are believed to have originated from Africa.
The Journey Of Mankind http://www.bradshawfoundation.com/journey/
Paleolithic Era-the Old Stone Age Hunters and Gatherers Used simple tools and fire. Development of a language Creation of cave paintings and figurines Burial of the dead
The Neolithic Era- The New Stone Age Farming Domestication of animals and plants Settlement in villages Increase in activities and trade Differences in wealth Pottery, weaving and the plow
The Neolithic Revolution People gave up their nomadic ways and settled in communities Domestication: the selective growing of plants and animals to make them more useful to humans.
Civilizations relied on river valley for survival. Why? River Valley’s Civilizations relied on river valley for survival. Why? Transportation, fertile soil, protection