Little Flower Men’s Night Fatima: 100 Years of Spiritual Combat September 9, 2017 Fatima: 100 Years of Spiritual Combat Doug Barry
Little Flower Men’s Night Opening Song Ave Maria Andrea Bocelli
Little Flower Men’s Night Opening Prayer Introductions
Little Flower Men’s Night Doug Barry Founder and director of the Catholic apostolate RADIX. Mission: To encourage and inspire people to create and strengthen a relationship with God. Husband and father of five, ages 9 to 17. Speaker to young and old alike, through TV /radio. Co-host of EWTN show “Life on the Rock” “We will build up Catholic manhood and fatherhood when we who are in that blessed and honorable position take responsibility for the part that God has asked of us to participate in. We must engage in the battle for souls, starting with our own and those that God has placed in our care”
Little Flower Men’s Night Fatima: 100 Years of Spiritual Combat Doug Barry BATTLE READY Episode 2
Reflection . . . Is the message of Fatima important today? Are we aware, prepared and engaging in the message of Fatima? The world is crying out in spiritual need. Do we accept our own suffering? Pray very much! Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray for the conversion of sinners. Deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Jesus Christ. Other discussion thoughts?
“Always fight with the deep conviction that I am with you “Always fight with the deep conviction that I am with you. I will not delude you with prospects of peace and consolations – on the contrary. Prepare for great battles. . . Fight like a knight, so that I can reward you. Do not be unduly fearful. Because you are not alone.” -- Christ to St. Faustina Diary no. 1760
Other opportunities to deepen our faith . . .
100 Year Anniversary . . . Any special plans to celebrate ? Apostolate for Family Consecration EWTN: Celebrating 100 Years of Fatima Immaculate Heart of Mary Statue to Visit the Diocese of Toledo
Adoration Community Theology Service Upcoming . . . A.C.T.S. Retreat for Men Adoration Community Theology Service Thursday – Sunday Thurs. Nov. 2 (6pm) – Sun. Nov. 5, 2017
Upcoming . . . Friday-Saturday, October 6-7 St. Jerome Parish – Walbridge, OH Toledo Diocese Ministry to Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Next Men’s Night Saturday, October 14 7-9 pm Courage to Become Christ: The Beauty of Catholic Deification Fr. David Meconi, S.J. St. Francis Room Bring a friend!