Hicksville This week in: We are learning: Week of Aug. 21 to Aug. 25 Math: Place Value to the Millions. Using place value to order & compare numbers. Student Learning Goals: 4.N.1.2 - I can apply the concept of place value to hundred thousands 4.N.2.7.a I can compare & order whole numbers using place value, a number line and models such as grids and base 10 blocks. Language Arts: Lesson 1 Words-Spelling. Selfie Writing Assessment. Types of Sentences-Declarative and Interrogative. Student Learning Goals: 4.2.W.4 I can read/spell unfamiliar words that have more than one syllable. 4.8.R I can write with stamina for different tasks, purposes, and audiences. 4.5.W.4 I can use punctuation to show different moods. Science: The Great American Solar Eclipse 2017. What is energy? Student Learning Goals: 4.ESS1.1 Science assumes consistent patters in natural systems. 4.PS3.1 I can relate speed to the energy of an object. *Don’t forget solar eclipse permission slips! Due 8/21! *Antler Ambassador Apps due this week! *Send in your popcorn and Birthday Books order forms to help the Library! *Parent Orientation is August 24th at 5pm with a repeat session at 5:30pm. *Grandparents Day is September 8th! More info to come! Important Reminders News Week of Aug. 21 to Aug. 25 carrihicks@dcsok.org