2016 Mutual Aid Drill August 30 - September 1, 2016 Natural Gas Utilities Delivering America’s Energy
Mutual Assistance Drill The drill was conducted August 30 - September 1, 2016 5 companies were impacted by an imaginary Hurricane Alex Columbia Gas of MA Eversource Liberty Unitil National Grid The five companies submitted Requests for Assistance (RFAs) totaling 1,074 personnel
Mutual Assistance Drill 39 Companies participated in the drill and returned offers of resources totaling about 1,548. Needs were met in most categories with a slight shortfall in Safety Personnel. 10% of the responding companies offered no Supervision for their personnel.
Compared with 2014 Drill January 2014 August 2016 3 5 1,000 1,074 58 Requesting Companies 3 5 Resources Requested 1,000 1,074 Responding Companies 58 39 Resources Offered 2,400 1,548
RFA Details need to be considered during resource assignment After the 2014 Drill, the RFA form was revised to add additional details to ensure that the right resources were assigned. In 2016, NGA handled the assignment of resources by themselves. AGA and regionals should better coordinate communication so that no one organization gets overwhelmed. Without proper coordination this drill, the RFA forms were not utilized as designed.
RFA Details need to be considered during resource assignment Union vs Non Union - at least 5 companies that answered no or did not answer the union question were paired with the 2 requesting companies that required unions Service Restoration category Included “Appliance Repair Experience” One company requested 90 received 10 while another 62 were assigned elsewhere. Cast Iron experience vs no Cast Iron experience met most of the needs but Liberty requested 10 – assigned 2 Unitil requested 0 – assigned 7 This will be harder to fill in the future.
Incomplete RFA Responses 7 responding companies (18%) did not answer whether their employees were members of a union 18 responding companies (46%) did not detail their estimated pay rates. 29 responding companies (74%) did not sign the RFA All 5 requesting companies and 6 responding companies (25%) used a previous draft version of the RFA that did not match the current AGA version. 4 companies submitted complete RFA responses: We Energies Minnesota Energy Resources Wisconsin Public Service Louisville Gas & Electric
Post Drill Survey Results Low High Avg 2014 = 4.19 Avg 2016 = 4.40
Post Drill Survey Results Low High Avg 2014 = 3.95 Avg 2016 = 4.27
Post Drill Survey Results Avg 2014 = 3.50 Avg 2016 = 4.33
Post Drill Survey Results
Post Drill Survey Results Suggestions for improving the Form Requestor: The form could have more detail to logistical items i.e. travel (air, hotel accommodations) Responder: Revise “Service Restoration/Relights” and “Meter set” categories to "Service Relight/Meter sets residential" and "Service Relight/Meter sets Commercial >400000BTU“ Responder: Add any special PPE that may required. Responder: Add area for responding companies to add other details on their offer to respond. Such as "Holding" resources because it already "Offered" resources to an affiliate.
Post Drill Survey Results Some company improvement needs We do not have a go to person in a leadership position that has been identified to lead a team if mutual aid is requested. We can better prepare ourselves by contacting the potential resources for housing, food etc. Improvements are needed in specific logistics: hotel, meals, travel, and exploring added rental vans/trucks to our fleet for responders Develop a planned response with numbers of people and pieces of equipment
Post Drill Survey Results Some industry improvement needs Transferring of resource to and from the destination. We are still not sure if our commercial vehicles can pass through multiple states without any issues.
Post Drill Survey Results Some industry improvement needs Gas industry uses paper forms, whereas electric industry uses electronic. AGA/SGA/NGA etc. should coordinate with EEI/NAMAG.
Post Drill Survey Results Some industry improvement needs Highly beneficial to nominate AGA/NGA/SGA/other liaisons to be positioned at the incident command post, staging area(s), and within the emergency operation centers (EOCs), if mutual aid is requested.
Post Drill Survey Results Some industry improvement needs We need to include a mechanism for identifying and seeking contractors ahead of Mutual Aid utilities. Perhaps, a separate contractor request form can be developed?
Post Drill Survey Results What Now? New MOAA’s have been sent out to be signed – old MOAAs expire Dec. 31, 2016 Communication regarding AGA Mutual Aid activities has now changed. Communication will be limited to the Mutual Aid Database only. Customer Field Services, Distribution Construction and Maintenance, Managing Committee, and Operations Executives will no longer receive correspondence.